There are some very basic
Avoid Eating Processed Foods
The entire family of processed foods contains all kinds of diet disasters; you name it and it is there, like sugars, fats, excess salts and many others. Throw out the white foods out of your window which may include but not limited to pasta, rice, bread, etc. You should also avoid using refined carbohydrates. Instead you should pay attention on eating raw foods like, vegetables, pulses, fruits and nuts and don't forget to eat some freshly prepared meals too.
Never make a List of Banned Foods
When you put some food in the banned list, you happen to develop cravings for those foods, which is a human tendency. Therefore, if you want to stop developing cravings for particular food items, you should daily treat yourself with those foods items (e.g. chocolates, cakes, etc.) in very less quantity.
Be Active and Indulge in Some Physical Activities Too
Many people complain of their habit of munching on snacks or fast foods when they don't have anything else to do. So, you need to get active and make yourself busy in some physical activities. This would not let you get bored and hence you won't eat any junk foods. Moreover, you also get to burn calories by indulging in some kind of physical activity, like playing tennis, cycling, mowing and many other such activities.
Try to Achieve Short-Term Goals rather than Going for a Long-Term Goal
Most of the people give up their determination of losing weight in the midway itself due to impossible to reach goals. Making long-term goals doesn't come under the good
Don't Forget to Drink Water
You must understand the importance of water in keeping your slim and trim and hence you must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. But don't go for the flavored or frizzy water because they contain some hidden calories, which could be detrimental for your health.
Food Diary
Food diary is a good way to track your food habit. It would also be helpful to calculate your total calorie consumption in a given time period. If you don't find your diet regimen to be calorie-effective, you can change your diet preference any time by consulting your food diary. Maintaining a food diary is one of the most important