Best Weight Loss Exercise Program For Men And Women

So you have heard about the idea of a  weight   loss  exercise program. But what exactly does this sort of approach mean to you? Being a member of a gym club where you spend hundreds of dollars in a month? Owning a modern elliptical machine where you spend hours every day? Or is it taking part in a tiring and boring cardio session for hours?

Most people who have tried these and other related methods will tell you that they did not get as much as they had expected. If you have invested a lot of time and money in  weight   loss  program and you end up with no results, it can be very frustrating. A keen look at the standard programs shows that they make you broke and they steal time from your program. The spot training that characterizes most of these methods is wrong as it emphasizes on one area of the body while ignoring others.

If you want to quickly get rid of body fat, build muscle endurance and strength, the best approach is to combine good nutrition, cardio and strength training. For this concept, the  weight   loss  exercise program can be home based and save you on time and money. You only need to work out for a 20-30 minutes for a couple of times a week using one or two simple equipment.

The first exercise in the program can be squatting which is perfect for burning fat and building muscles. Most fitness trainers have the tendency of emphasizing so much on repetition rather than intensity of the exercise. Instead of doing the usual warm ups and repeated sets, you could try another way that works on the intensity. Half the weight you use and slow down the speed for each repetition. To accommodate this change, you will need to pause at the top and concentrate on the up and down movements. Counting is not required here, as you do the exercise until you feel that you cannot afford another repetition. To show that this exercise is also effective for cardio training, the heart rate rises as if you have done a short sprint on the tracks. With an exercise that takes 2 to 3 minutes, the effects in the body extend even to the thighs and feet.

The dumbbell curl exercise is also quite effective for fat reduction, especially in the bicep region. With the dumbbell and weight on one side, slowly curl and lift the weight to the shoulder, the aim being to build on positive strength. For static strength level, pause at the top for a moment and allow the biceps to contract. Then gradually lower the weight to your side and you will be working on your negative strength.

Often, the exercise programs adopted by most people neglect the aspect of positive and negative strength and never gain the intended results;  weight   loss . All these strengths are vital for muscle growth and metabolism of fat in the body. Consider starting both of these  weight   loss  exercise programs to add to a proper nutrition program for fast  weight   loss  results.

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