1. The Problem With Weight-Loss
Millions of slimmers move from this weight loss
The core reason is because most
2. The First Big Problem Kicks-In Fast
At first it works! Weight loss is achieved, especially at the beginning when a fair amount of water is lost. But the first big problem is that the body needs water - lots of it. In fact, around 70% of it is water. So dehydration isn't too clever and this initial weight loss is very difficult to maintain for long.
3. The Second Big Problem Inevitably Follows
When calories are cut the body defends itself by reducing the expenditure of energy to cope with the reduced intake. Even for a short period, this reduction of metabolism causes less muscle-use, which causes muscle-loss.
In other words, starving the body by sharply cutting calories starves muscle. This is a problem because muscles burn lots of calories. As a result of this double process, the metabolism is reduced and this again acts as a brake on the rate of weight loss.
4. What Can The Dieter Do About This?
Assuming sufficient willpower, the dieter could cut calories even further in an attempt to maintain the initial momentum. Fortunately, the more probable result is that the dieter gets too hungry and breaks the
5. Breaking The
Naturally, this isn't so hot for the weight loss target. The first reason for this is well known and the second less so.
The first effect is that all the weight lost is put back on again - usually rapidly. In fact, if this has happened to you, you frequently weighed more at this point than at the start of the
6. Your
The second and lesser-known effect of the '
The reason is that muscle burns calories. So, a reduction of muscle decreases the metabolic rate and the body is even less capable of burning fat than previously. As a consequence of the loss of muscle and the reduced metabolism, the body has become even better at storing fat!
In other words, you starved to get fatter.
7. It Gets Worse
Now this can be very depressing. And this means there's a high probability that a session of emotional eating will begin. No prizes for guessing where this leads to.
You are now heavier and fatter. You have less calorie-burning muscle and a lower metabolism. You have less fat-burning capacity than when you started. You are fatter, less healthy and probably less wealthy.
8. How To Break This Cycle?
The answer is to ditch these
The crucial question is: how can this be done? My guess is that you already know the answer. That's right, exercise. The only combination that works to make you slimmer and healthier and looking better is to reduce your calorie input a little and increase your exercise output a lot.
Now this is unpalatable for many. Let's face it, there's apparently no end to the amount of money, pills, potions, gadgets and effort that some people will go through to avoid exercise. That's their problem. Why make it yours?
9. Why Exercise Works
Exercise works in two brilliant ways. The first is that it uses calories, raises the metabolic rate and burns off fat. The second is that, if done correctly, exercise tones and builds muscle instead of reducing it. And because muscle increases metabolism, this in turn burns calories, even when not exercising.
And you can forget the idea that you need to hump weights or turn into a muscle-monster to do it. You don't. What you do need is to plan a modest reduction of calories and an improvement in the quality of your eating and drinking. Accompany this with a big increase in exercise.
10. TWO Definite Don'ts
1. Don't kid yourself that
2. Don't kid yourself that you should
11. Hey, Good Looking!
Fat doesn't generally score as high on the appearance scales as it does on the weighing scales. A firm conditioned body is healthier and looks better. It's also far better for personal confidence.
In other words, you look better and feel better because you are better. So, get going.
12. But What If You Don't Like Exercise?
That's definitely bad news.
The good news is that although getting more fitness and less fatness can be tough, it's not nearly as tough as getting fatter and fatter. So, make up your mind. Which is best, being permanently out-of-condition or working out maybe 4 regular 30 or 40 minute slots a week for less than 3 hours in total?
Is that so tough?