It may sound a bit 'cliched' but losing weight is a way of life. Unlike other lifestyle choices, with
You see the thing is, if you think that you can just make wholesale changes to your lifestyle with out any thought or preparation then the chances are you have not weighed up the full implications of what you are getting yourself into. So many people quit a
So where to start? Well you should think about getting hold of a journal or large diary planner that you can use for keeping notes and planning ahead for your days. At the start of your journal you should have a few simple statistics that show your starting point. These should include your weight, height, and your body mass index or BMI. If you don't know already your BMI gives you a reference of whether you are a healthy weight for your height. The start of your journal should also include any information you have been given by doctors or other experts you may have consulted prior to your
A visit to a doctor is a good way to begin any
There is one other thing your journal needs to contain at the beginning and that is a goal. With your visits to the doctor and knowledge of your BMI you should now have a pretty clear idea of what your ideal weight is. On top of your main goal you should also be thinking of dividing that up into smaller weekly or monthly ones. This will help to keep you focused throughout the weeks and months of your routine and enhance your sense of achievement throughout. You can take this even further by putting reward days into the planner to act as an extra bit of motivation. By breaking your routine down into a series of short term goals you will have more fun and experience a greater sense of accomplishment along the way. Of course this will only work if you are honest and open with yourself. Your journal should never lie otherwise you are only telling lies to yourself and defeating the object of your goal.
You see the cool thing is that your journal can make your
Finally the key thing to remember is that your journal is about you and nobody else. Your plan should be customised according to your own personal set of requirements and informed judgment. The effects of this are that you will be proving to yourself that you can take control of your own destiny. With a clear structure in place you will never lose focus of the task in hand. This will help to avoid the feelings of helplessness and submissiveness that can happen to people who feel like they are not in control of a situation.