Weight Loss Programs - Which Diet is Best?

We are lucky to live in an age when information is readily available to help us find a solution to almost any problem that we may be facing. Healthy weight loss is a perfect example of this. There are many weight loss programs that will suit almost any type of person and their lifestyle.

An important thing to consider when choosing the right program is to find one that educates you long term on how to lose weight and keep it off for good. Below are some of the most popular weight loss programs on the market today:

The Diabetes  Diet 

The Diabetes  diet  is not so much a  diet  as an education on what foods are healthy and what foods cause the diabetic to have an increase in glucose in the blood. Each person differs in the way that their body and metabolism burns up glucose, so the diabetic  diet  differs among those who use it. The Diabetic  diet  is less like a  diet  and more like a healthy weight loss program that can be used by anyone who wants to benefit from a healthier lifestyle.

The South Beach  Diet 

The South Beach  diet  is known as one of the most popular, healthy weight loss  diets  of our time. A cardiologist named Dr Arthur Agatston, at a hospital in South Beach, created this  diet . He originally developed the  diet  for patients who were overweight and had heart problems. Dr Agatston has been quoted as saying that the South Beach  Diet  is not a low carb eating plan or a low fat eating plan, but you can be assured that it is both healthy and really works.

NutriSystem Nourish Program

The Nutri System Nourish Program works by controlling the foods that you eat, as well as your portions. There are a few good things about this  diet . The first is that the food is already prepared and shipped right to your front door - healthy weight loss without the dishes, much like Jenny Craig. The other benefit of the NutriSystem Nourish Program is that it is very affordable, even if you are not a Hollywood star.

The Zone  Diet 

Barry Sears PhD created the Zone  Diet  and according to recent studies, it has been found to be the most successful  diet  from among such  diets  as the Atkins  diet  and other high carb, low fat  diets . The  diet  itself is said to be quite tricky to understand and works on a formula of 40% carbs and 30% of both protein and fats, for every meal. If you can understand the Zone  diet , you will have a great success rate from being on it.

The Atkins  Diet 

The Atkins  Diet  has been around since the 70s when Dr. Robert Atkins wrote the book, The New  Diet  Revolution. This  diet  became very popular a few years ago, but that popularity is beginning to dwindle. The Atkins  Diet  works on the principal that you are allowed to eat proteins and fat, but must avoid eating carbs in your eating plan.

This particular way of eating has created a lot of controversy and the results have been mixed. It is said that the Atkins  Diet  is not for everyone, but research suggests that many people have achieved short-term weight loss from this  diet .

Negative Calorie  Diet  Plan

This program is said to be a fad  diet  that is a thinly disguised low calorie  diet . The Negative Calorie  Diet  works by eating foods that take more calories to digest than what they contain. There have been mixed results with the Negative Calorie  Diet  Plan, but, as a rule, many people have had a short-term weight loss solution on this  diet .

The Three-Day  Diet 

The three-day  diet  claims that those using it will lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days by sticking to the meal plan for the three days. It is based on a very low calorie-eating plan. A low calorie plan can be of little use for shedding pounds if used over a longer period than three days because, after this time, your body will begin a starvation mode and slow down your metabolism. Because the  diet  is based on a low calorie-eating plan, you may also feel drained of energy and hungry. This may cause many people to stop using this eating plan.

Be careful in changing your eating habits - healthy weight loss is more important than losing pounds as fast as you can. There are many other weight loss programs that can help you lose weight, however it is always best to check with your doctor first before changing how you eat or taking any  diet  pills.

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