There are so many diets available these days, with new ones springing up all the time. So how is a person able to choose a diet to lose weight and settle on one that is right for them? In this article I want to demystify the process, so that with a little thought and self evaluation you will be able to choose a diet to lose weight that is right for you.
One major thing to keep in mind is that there are no healthy quick fixes. Even liposuction has risks and doesn't guarantee the result you might be looking for. It's only a short term solution anyway, and unless you address the underlying cause of obesity, those pounds are just going to creep back on again.
For some people being over weight has become their accepted normal state. They have been that way so long that they cannot imagine how they could look or feel differently. Of course, the health care professionals are continuously telling us about the adverse effects of obesity and with good reason. It is a killer, with all sorts of nasty complications and side effects that can drain life of any meaning and happiness. After all, if you haven't got your health, where can you find the energy to pursue your dreams?
So having a strong healthy body is a definite plus, I think we can all agree on that! A diet to lose weight, to shed those unwanted and unsightly pounds, goes right along with that statement, as does regular exercise. I know, exercise is a 'bridge to far' for some people. It requires motivation and commitment, and we are so used to instant this and fast that, having to wait to see results is not what we want to hear. However, even doing a little exercise is good. A 20 minute walk around the neighbourhood can be very beneficial when done on a regular basis, and who knows you might even meet new friends.
So far that's a diet to lose weight, and regular exercise, nothing revolutionary there, but what you find is that if you hit on the right diet to lose weight, one that you can follow because you enjoy it, then you start to experience the benefits. The pounds start to come off, your clothes fit better, you feel great, and naturally it gets easier to continue on.
Most people find that when they share a goal such as a diet to lose weight, it gives them a big boost to stay the course. There is also more accountability when you have to weigh in on a regular basis and can see at a glance whether you are being true to yourself and sticking to your plan. Such programs as "Weight Watchers" and "Jenny Craig", are well known for providing this kind of accountability. Let's be clear though, there is no 'one size fits all' in the diet department. Everybody is different physically, and emotionally and so their diet to lose weight and exercise program should reflect that.
Many diet programs require that you track your calorie intake. Sometimes this is measured in point values that are assigned to different foods. The idea being that you stay within a defined target range. Calories consumed, minus calories burned, equals the amount either added to, or subtracted from the storehouse of fat spread throughout the body. Day to day living, moving, breathing, keeping warm, exercising, burns those calories and the more activity, the greater the consumption. For athletes and body builders, their rate of consumption is higher and more efficient than people who lead a more lethargic lifestyle.
The type of foods we eat plays an important, you could even say crucial part in our general state of health. It's a widely recognized fact that diets rich in high levels of saturated fat and animal proteins are detrimental to our well being and are best avoided. There are plenty of healthy choices comprising fruits, grains, beans, vegetables and dairy products that can provide all the nutrients required for health and longevity, whilst causing the least harm to ourselves, our fellow creatures and the environment.
When it comes to the choices available to you, a diet to lose weight should address these fundamental questions.
1) Do I like the food choices available to me?
2) Am I able to stick to the program long enough to achieve the results I'm looking for?
3) Is the diet easy to understand and follow?
4) Does the diet provide me with sufficient variety and choice?
5) Does the diet ensure that I am getting all the daily nutrients I require?
6) Is the diet suitable for my medical condition? Consult with your doctor.
7) Is the diet affordable or will it put a strain on family finances?
8) Is there any support offered to help me maintain my goals?
9) Is the diet kid friendly? It should be!
10) Am I ready to make the necessary lifestyle changes to maintain a healthy weight over the long term?
There you have it! We have talked about the need for a healthy body to enjoy our life to its fullest. For that to happen we need to make the right choices to reach a healthy weight and be able to maintain it through an appropriate level of exercise. The type of foods we choose have a major impact on our health, the health of those around us and on a larger scale, the health of the planet. Finally we have identified 10 fundamental questions that a diet to lose weight should address.