One of the most important factors in determining a person's health is their diet. While some may be genetically predisposed to a particular illness, the majority of us can increase our health and well being simply by changing our diets. One diet that deserves some attention is what is known as the alkaline diet.
This diet basically encourages the consumption of foods that produce an alkaline state in the body. The major premise is that since our bodies function best when our blood is slightly alkaline, we should encourage this state by eating alkaline forming foods.
The best source of alkaline foods is the local produce market. Vegetables, especially root and green veggies are the best alkaline producing foods. Almonds, lemons, natural yogurt and bee pollen are other good sources.
The major acid forming foods are all meats and seafood, as well as processed grains. But the biggest offenders are processed foods, soda pop and sugars. Of course, we all know that these are bad for our health. Our goal should be to eliminate these acid-producing foods from our diets. One study suggests that an acidic body may increase the loss of bone mass. That alone should encourage us to give up soda.
But does this mean we have to give up all acid forming foods and eat only alkaline meals? Of course not. A body that is too alkaline is as bad as a body that is too acidic. The key is moderation. If we give up soda and processed foods and make a goal of eating more vegetables and fruits, we automatically improve our health. Occasionally choosing a vegetarian meal over one with meat is also a great idea.
While eating certain foods or following a particular diet won't guarantee you perfect health or freedom from illness, it will help you to feel better and may give your body the edge it needs to fight diseases that may come your way.