The Atkins Advantage is the new and improved model of The Atkins Diet , which has been around since 1972, designed by Dr. Robert Atkins. This diet is low carbohydrates, which the body turns to sugar, it forces the body to burn the existing fat cells, and many followers have reported quick weight losses. The Atkins Advantage Diet offers some things that all dieters love- meat, eggs, cheese, butter and cream, like the original Atkins Diet , but is a 12-week program that stresses more exercise and motivation. Atkins Advantage is based on the research of Ironman competitor, Dr. Stuart Trager and Atkins spokesperson Colette Heimowitz, both Atkins advocates.
The 12- week program is better-rounded based on nutrition, fitness and psychology. It still is low carbohydrate but is a tailored plan with menus for the twelve weeks, with increasing levels of carbohydrates. It starts with limiting the carbohydrates, achieved mainly through cutting out breads, pastas, potatoes and starches, including all sweets, like the Atkins Diet . By following the set menus and stressing the other factors of the typical diet , such as exercise and mental well-being, it is more accepted than the original Atkins Diet , which mainly focused on cutting out carbs to lose weight and didn't give much else.
The original Atkins Diet offered the dieter a wide range of freedom, with steaks, eggs, bacon and buttered vegetables, along with salads. Many dieters on Atkins lost weight without exercise and the Atkins Advantage is seeking to supplement the weight loss with the fitness mentality and motivation of a 12-week structured plan. By adding exercise to the plan, it promotes more healthy benefits and adds credence to the plan, so it has not drawn as much criticism as the original Atkins Diet did.
Both diets help lower cholesterol and followers claim improved energy levels. Since carbohydrates are turned by the body into glucose, and glucose levels are lowered, the body is forced to turn to fat reserves, burning fat cells into water. Once the water weight is lost, the fat cells must be burned for energy and this is where you start seeing the pounds melt off, and even quicker with an exercise regimen, as in the new Atkins Advantage Diet .
The book, the All-New Atkins Advantage retails for $25.95 and is available at and most bookstores. It has fully illustrated pictures of the stretching, cardio and weight training plans. Since many dieters have adhered to a low carbohydrate lifestyle as a way of dieting , this plan offers advantages over other fad diets , and as with the Atkins Diet , does not require the purchase of pre-portioned foods from Atkins. Atkins does sell all sorts of pre-packaged food, if you desire, and sell menus and recipes on eDiet to make using your own. You can also go to, to get carb counts on many foods, as original Atkins Dieters often did. This can be a very easy diet to stick to for many dieters and become a way of life.