Are you looking for some ways to improve your diet? Changing your lifestyle even if it is only with respect with what you eat, is more difficult that most people imagine. The reason is that a healthier lifestyle requires a long term commitment, not just following some golden rules for about a week and then revert back to old habits... So, rather than doing drastic changes, my experience is that it is much easier to slightly adjust your diet to include healthier elements that you can live with for a lifetime. Here are some small changes that you can do for a healthier lifestyle.
1. Eat smaller portions
One common problem of the modern society is that we overeat. Have you seen the gigantic servings at the restaurants? Eating more than we need is causing our stomach to enlarge and to get used to demand more food. This in turn leads to overweight problems. Some research studies have shown that eating a little bit less may lead to a longer lifespan. Try to slowly cut back the serving sizes. As your stomach gets used to the new portions, you won't be hungry anymore, and you will be able to eat less. Look for information on how many calories you really need for your age and body type.
2. Eat a balanced diet
There are many recommendations out there for some miracle foods, but I think that the best thing for your body is to eat a balanced diet, with foods from all the major groups of the food chart. A balanced diet and moderation will go a long way to support your health.
3. Eat one fruit a day
There is no secret that fruits and vegetables should be a significant part of your everyday diet, but how many people do really stick with the food pyramid recommendations each day? Try to make a commitment to eat one raw fruit a day. You know what they're saying: "an apple a day keeps the doctor away".
4. Eat more nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids which are great for your body and brain. It is true that they are rich in calories, but you can ditch that highly processed afternoon snack and get instead a mix of nuts and dried fruits. It tastes great, it gives you a boost in energy, and controls hunger very well.
5. Go easy on sugar
Sugar is our number one enemy, but we really love sugar! It is probably unrealistic to try to eliminate sugar altogether from your diet, but you can greatly reduce it. Look for more healthy dessert recipes that require less sugar, and consume desserts sparingly. Enjoying once a week is probably OK. Remember: moderation is key! Unless advised by a doctor for a specific medical condition, do not replace sugar with artificial sweeteners. This will not make your diet healthier!
6. Reduce saturated fats
Saturated fats are known to increase your bad cholesterol levels, so go easy on them... As a rule of thumb try to reduce all fats that are in solid form at the room temperature. For example, cut on butter and trim a bit of the fat on that delicious steak...
7. Reduce fried foods
Why do we like so much everything that is so bad for us? Fried foods are comfort foods, and we are not going to give them up, but maybe we can eat them once or twice a month, rather than on a regular basis. Also, cut on some unnecessary frying that is required in some traditional stews and sauces recipes. Look for healthy recipes. All my recipes have eliminated unnecessary frying while obtaining the same great taste.
8. Cook with olive oil
A lot has been said on the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, and some studies have shown that you can get a significant portion of the Mediterranean food diet's benefits by using about two tablespoons of olive oil daily. Use it for salads, sprinkle it on a slice of bread with salt and pepper, or use it as a cooking oil for your favorite healthy recipes.
9. Avoid processed foods and chemicals
Processed foods and chemicals added to our foods, such as for example food coloring and fillers, put a high burden on your liver to keep your body free of harmful substances. Read the labels and avoid foods that contain chemicals, and artificially processed foods. No genetically modified ingredients, no hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, and no artificial sweeteners, or high fructose corn syrup.
10. Do not rush through meals
Last, but not least, stress is our worst enemy! Relax and enjoy your meals, if possible in the company of good friends and family. Eating fast and stressing for various problems while eating, not only takes the joy out of your meal, but also may lead to digestive problems with a larger impact on your overall health. As an additional benefit, eating slower will allow you to eat less, as your brain will have the chance to get "the full signal" from your stomach and to relief the hunger sensation before you get overly full.