People, who are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes or call juvenile diabetes as more known to many, are insulin dependent people who need to watch what they eat. Unlike people who are type 2 diabetes which focus more on reducing their weight; the first type of this disease has an intended diet menu that is required to regulate the intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body. This way the glucose in the blood will be stabilized so there wouldn't be any major complications.
The first type of diabetes is treated with a regular dose of insulin together with their type 1 diabetes diet menu plan. This form is pretty common among children, however young adults are not exempted of this disease.
Complications like high blood levels and heart diseases are common among type 1. Like any form of diet menus, type 1 diabetes diet menu is a well - organized diet plan that combines the right amount or dosage of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that are required in a daily basis. The goal of this diet is to normalize blood glucose levels.
Any sudden fluctuation of glucose in the blood (whether high or low) can cause serious illness or complications to the diabetic person.
The best type 1 diabetes diet menu is a low in fat, low in salt, low in cholesterol and low in sugar meal diet. This diet menu typically includes complex carbohydrates in the likes of pastas, cereals and whole grain bread. This includes fruits and vegetables too.
This diet plan will help normalize not only your blood sugar levels but as well as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Watching the portions of what a diabetic eats is important to maintain their weight and blood sugar levels.
The following are tips to remember in a proper type 1 diabetes diet menu:
• You could take at least twice or thrice a day dairy products such as low - fat milk
• You can eat fish for as many as 3 to 4 times in a week. Fishes are good for diabetics for they have omega 3 fatty acids
• Eat fresh fruits daily
• Eat green starchy vegetables as many times as possible.
• Eat grains or foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates
• Eat salads that are made up of green vegetables and fat - free salsa
• You could add lean meat, fat - free cheese, eggs and beans as long as it is moderated in quantity