The thrill of accomplishment after losing a massive amount of weight can often be robbed by the leftover, hanging, sagging skin hiding the results of your hard work and new found discipline. After having been stretched so tightly for so long, skin will lose some of its elasticity, which is why it fails to shrink nicely as the underlying fat recedes.
The most common problem areas are in the upper arms, the torso, lower back, buttocks and thighs. Not only is this extra skin unsightly, it is also annoying and germ-prone. It can be harder to get all of your skin clean with so many folds and crevices. Plus with sagging skin rubbing against more sagging skin all the time, you can run into the problem of rashes and sores, with possible infection.
There is one way to get rid of all the excess skin and complete the weight loss process with a smooth and sleek silhouette-it is called a body lift. This procedure is actually a series of plastic surgeries all aimed at tightening up different parts of the anatomy after major weight loss. It is also sometimes referred to as body contouring.
A body lift can include contouring of any or all of the following areas: upper arms, tummy, thighs, butt, breasts, face, and neck. An upper body lift is usually a combination of arm, back, and breast lift cosmetic surgeries, while a lower body lift typically combines abdomen, thigh and buttock surgeries.
Before considering any of these plastic surgeries, you should first figure out if you are a good candidate for contouring surgery. Perhaps the most important question to ask yourself is whether or not your weight has stabilized. Ideally, your surgeries should not take place for at least a year after you have hit your target goal weight and kept the pounds off. Also, since this procedure is major surgery, you should be in generally good health. Chronic medical conditions can make plastic surgery more risky and complicated.
Another consideration is if you are prepared to quit smoking permanently. Nicotine can slow down the healing process and also ruin the effect of the surgery, which is why most doctors require patients to have quit smoking at least two week prior to surgery.
One of the most important factors is your expectations. Those who expect a perfectly smooth, toned body after surgery will be disappointed and are not good candidate for the procedures. A body lift can make significant improvements to your physique but the results are limited by the elasticity of your skin and your age.
Once you have determined that a body lift is right for you, you should know that there are a few risks associated with the procedures, although they are rare. The most common risks are bleeding and infection. There is also the slim possibility of developing blood clots and deep vein thrombosis.
The normal side effects of a body lift include swelling, bruising, and discomfort. These will all subside over time with most patients feeling well enough to return to work after two to four weeks. If a body lift is right for you, it can be a great way to finish your weight loss program. It can finally help you to feel comfortable in your own skin!