Lets face it. After pregnancy diets or any diet in general can really make you think that your life is coming to a screeching halt. The truth is that you have to look at eating healthy more as a lifestyle change instead of a diet. Besides, who wants to be on a diet for the majority of their life anyway? I know I don't. Drastic after pregnancy diets aren't good for you anyway as this is a time where your body needs to naturally repair itself. By denying yourself the nutrients you actually need could end up hurting you in the long run.
The truth is that if you want your body to burn calories while you are simply sitting on the couch and not just when you are exercising, you need to build muscle. Muscle is the key to shedding fat and keeping your metabolism revved up like a brand spanking new custom built engine. The problem is that many women are afraid of lifting weights as they don't want to bulk up like a man. I am here to tell you that as long as you add cardio into your routine, you will be just fine. But you need to remember that more muscle = less fat. Here I have included 5 amazing foods that are excellent for building muscle.
Chicken breast is the first after pregnancy diet food that is great for building muscle. It is one of the most lean sources of protein. As long as you opt for a no skin version, you are looking at having 7 grams of protein and nearly zero grams of fat per ounce. Remember that preparation is a big key here as well. If you fry the chicken then you are killing the whole concept, but if you must use oil try extra virgin olive or coconut. The best preparation would probably be baked. You may also jazz up the flavor with lemon or balsamic vinaigrette without adding on extra fat.
Another great after pregnancy "diet" food to build muscle is oatmeal. The thing that is so special about oatmeal is that it digests very slowly, giving you the opportunity to feel full for a longer period of time. Oatmeal is also known not to spike insulin levels. The one thing that you have to be very careful about though is highly processed oatmeal. I actually like to buy mine in bulk at the market. Even though it is plain in flavor, it will guarantee the fiber and nutrients that are needed. Plus you can add healthy flavors like cinnamon and apples or any fruit, and maybe stevia or agave nectar if you must have a sweeter taste.
Salmon. Need I say more about this next after pregnancy diet (or lifestyle) change food. Although salmon is no where near being a lean source of protein it is full of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3's are beneficial in improving the efficiency of the brain and improvement of memory. You will also notice a radiant difference in hair, skin, and nails in no time. I also know that for some people the thought of eating a piece of salmon may not sit well with your stomach, but it really is good for you. It is recommended that you have 2-3 servings per week to ensure maximum benefits. There are supplements on the market as well if you feel that you just can't bear the taste, but there's nothing like the real thing.
The next great muscle building after pregnancy diet food is cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is so important because it is mainly made up of casein, which is a slow digesting protein. It has been known that many body builders eat cottage cheese before bed because it will carry your muscles throughout the night, up to 6-7 hours to be exact. Some people may think cottage cheese tastes disgusting, but is indeed great with fruit added to it or even in a salad. Cottage cheese is low in fat and carbs, but will also help with bone strength.
Quinoa is the next great after pregnancy diet food that many people simply have never heard of. It really is too bad because it does have major benefits besides building muscle. Quinoa is a grain-like seed that comes from South America and has lots of antioxidants and packed with phytonutrients. People consider this seed a super food because of its well-rounded nutrients. It has all 9 essential amino acids that are key for building muscle. Not only is quinoa slow digesting and full of fiber, but it can be very versatile in cooking. You may make a salad out if it, use it in a stir fry, or simply make it a side accompaniment. It is also a great healthy filler for a soup.
Here you have seen 5 great muscle building after pregnancy diet foods. Remember that more muscle = less fat and that is the goal for burning calories all day long. You need to also remember that considering yourself on a diet usually sets you up for failure. Look at your eating habits as making better choices over others. It is also good to allow yourself one day a week to eat whatever you want, but don't go overboard.