An Overview of Fasting As a Weight Loss Method

Fasting became a sensational issue when weight watchers adopted this often spiritual or religious routine to create an effective weight loss plan. A lot of doctors detest this alternative method saying it is definitely not good for the body because a lot of nutrients are lost during the fasting period. This is in a way true but only when one fails to prepare correctly for fasting, or if they do not fast safely.

Benefits Of Fasting as a Weight Loss Method

There are actually some popular diet methods that are based on the principle of fasting but they are the kinder type. Yes, fasting sets the body to starvation mode requiring one to eliminate certain types of food except maybe one or two. A perfect example is the fruit fasting. In this fasting technique, the person is required to feed on fruits - raw fruits, fruit juices, fruit shakes. The same goes when one employs the bread fasting.

Fasting has always been treated like a deadly weapon that puts one's health at risk. This has been debated for several years now. Doctors disagree about using it as an alternative weight loss method, because it strips the body of the important nutrients. There are three; carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Religious sects criticize it as a mockery to the holy ritual. But these guys better understand the real essence of fasting in the world of weight loss. Read: healthy weight loss. This means:

  • Cleaner digestive system
  • Controlled appetite
  • Controlled weight
  • Healthier body

A leaner body is never too easy to attain especially if one always gives in to his or her cravings. Fasting does not mean abandoning food, it just means lessening the food intake. A lot of doctors too can explain to you in many ways how fasting can be detrimental to your well-being.

For successful fasting, you should first be mentally and emotionally prepared. Starting with a goal in mind will inspire you to achieve something that you have never tried and something that most people are scared to dare.

While real fasting means eliminating food and water entirely from your system and can last for days and even weeks, this is not necessary when you are fasting for weight loss. Usually, gastric irritation may occur in the first three days of practice but this is just your body adjusting to the hunger.

Those who are determined fight the urge to give in to hunger by doing nothing because after surpassing the first few days of struggle, your body will soon be normalized. After all, you will go full-scale. Maybe monks can last for months with nothing in their stomach but water but this is only because their fasting ritual is purely spiritual with prayers and meditation. It does not mean that you should stop praying as this should be a normal part of your waking life but fasting for weight loss is more of a healthier journey.

If you are thinking about fasting for weight loss, make up your mind, consult your doctor, and know how much you need to lose weight. Obesity may be a strong reason but vanity is not.

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