Do Weight Loss Detoxifying Plans Work?

There are many detoxifying programmes that are supposed to help us with  weight   loss , but can they really work? Is it possible to lose weight just by detoxifying our body? The results can vary, depending on each individual person and of course each programme, but many people believe that detoxifying drinks, tea and various supplements can prove effective for  weight   loss  and be beneficial in improving our general health and well-being.

Detoxifying means the elimination of harmful toxins from our body which can make us feel tired, sluggish, unwell, overweight and generally unhealthy. What type of toxins produce these adverse effects? The main elements which cause these side effects are the numerous chemicals and preservatives present in most processed foods, sodium, sugar, and caffeine.

A detox diet usually consists of purely natural foods, herbs and juices that help promote efficient, healthy organ function, which enables our body to easily flush out damaging toxins.

Here are some common foods and herbs which are known for their body cleansing abilities:

Water- Any detoxifying programmes encourages the consumption of lots of fresh, filtered water.

Watercress- this leafy green plant is known to help our body release excess water and also help liver function.

Lemons- are a well-known aid to helping flush toxins from our body.

Garlic - stimulates the liver, helping it to cleanse the body more effectively.

Vegetable juices- other than the obvious addition of vitamins and minerals to our diet, drinking organic vegetable juices are believed to help cleanse and flush toxins from our body.

Fibre- Keeping our digestive system healthy cleansed and moving is an important part of helping release toxins from our body. If our diet is lacking fibre, we could opt for taking a daily fibre supplement, but we must be sure to drink plenty of water too.

Sensible detoxifying is recommended, we should not be tempted to follow extreme detox programmes unless we have consulted our doctor first. Some programmes are too strict and could lead to dehydration or cause us to lose essential vitamins and minerals, which can inadvertently create even more problems than we initially had. We should also be aware of certain herbs which should only be used in moderation as they can create toxicity.

The more sensible approach to detoxifying our body should be by natural, gentle means. We should drink lots of fresh water with perhaps a few servings of vegetable juice daily, eat plenty of natural, nutritious healthy foods and avoid harmful foods and elements which may promote ill-health.

Although most detox plans are only intended to be followed for a few days or weeks, they can make us feel healthy, strong, refreshed and energized. We have to bear in mind that a detox programme alone may not result in us shedding any substantial amount of weight, but it can form the basis we need to enforce a healthier, natural style of diet. It may also, due to us feeling more energised, inspire us to step up our exercise programme to help boost  weight   loss . Once we have cleansed our body of toxins, we will not feel the desire to return to a diet of junk food and chemically enhanced processed foods. We will be more inclined to stick with healthy, nutritious, natural foods and be able to maintain this positive trend which will help us lose our excess weight

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