The "Fat Resistance
According to Dr Leo Galland, losing weight is not about calorie counting, high or low crabs, starving yourself, or exercising till you drop! It's simply all about a hormone called "Leptin"
"Leptin" is the body's natural weight loss mechanism, said Dr Galland. It curbs the appetite, kick-starts the metabolism, and literally makes you fat resistant!
No wonder it caught the attention of some show biz heavyweights that have been suffering from the continuous struggle with weight gain over the years
The Fat Resistance
The Fat Resistant
Choose foods with high nutrient, such as vegetables, fruit and good quality protein foods
Avoid low fat
Trans Fats are those that are chemically altered vegetables oils that serve no nutritional value, and have been linked to heart disease and cancer
Cut back on processed foods, biscuits and red meat, including the skin of chicken
Eat plenty of Omega 3-Rich Foods that can be found in flaxseeds and beans as well as fish. The high protein content in fish also helps to reduce appetite, and the benefits of eating the recommend amount decreases a person's risk of suffering from heart disease and Alzheimer's disease
High fibre foods, such as whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables are filling without being calorie rich. Studies have shown that high fibre
At least one serving a day of Alliums, such as onions, leeks, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts. All these vegetables contain phytonutrients that help to fight inflammation and cancer
Daily consumption of fruit that is nutrient dense, high in fibre and rich in disease preventing antioxidants
Use only egg whites or unbroken egg yolks. When the yolk is broken and then fried or scrambled the cholesterol in the yolk oxidises and produces toxic cholesterol by-product which harm your
Replace sugar with fruit and pure fruit concentrates for natural sweetness
Eat two healthy Snacks a day, Snacks help to stave off hunger, but stick to healthy choices, such as fruit, nuts and yogurts
Dr Galland's "Fat Resistant
Information contained in this article is not meant to replace professional advice. Always check with your physician before starting any weight loss program.