Green Peas Diet

The green peas diet is a good way to lose weight and to saturate the body with vitamins.

Green peas contain a large number of high-quality proteins that is necessary for the body. This diet consists of various options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You will only need to choose the appropriate menu.

Green peas contain lots of zinc, magnesium, which strengthens the nervous system. Dietary fiber lowers blood cholesterol, helps remove toxins from the body, and improves the gastrointestinal tract.

Peas are useful for those who lead an active life and are engaged in physical work. He helps the body to carry the load by supplying it with energy, and increases efficiency.

Natural sugars, contained in some varieties of peas, improve memory and brain activity.

The duration of the diet - 7 days.

Option 1. 30 grams of muesli, 100 ml of milk, an apple.
Option 2. Bun with bran, 30 grams of cottage cheese, greens.
Option 3. A slice of black bread, 10 grams of butter or margarine, two teaspoons of honey or jam.

- 1 pear, 125 grams of grapes;
- 150 g of yogurt or 200 g of plums;
- 1 cup of yogurt, orange or apple juice.

Day 1. Pea soup with potatoes.
Day 2. Omelette a few green peas.
Day 3. Pea soup with potatoes.
Day 4. Salad from peas and corn.
Day 5. Potatoes with peas and sauce.
Day 6. Steak with vegetables.
Day 7. Risotto with peas

Beverages: mineral water or unsweetened tea in unlimited quantities.

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