Metabolism Explained - Your Key to Weight Loss

Although most people know that metabolism plays an important role in weight loss few can explain why or how. That is probably because there is so much written about metabolism and discussed that the facts are not always accurately expressed. Additionally, from one source to another there is room for misunderstandings. Because metabolism is the key to weight loss it is very helpful to learn about it.

In simple terms metabolism is the process the body uses to convert food into energy. Without this energy our body cannot function. The energy is in the form of calories. Every bodily function relies on metabolism to some degree.

Your body is a collaboration of systems that work together. Just as with a car or other machine, the efficiency of each single system or part depends on the others. For example, if you have a physical/medical problem it can affect your emotional status and vice versa. In order to feel your best all things must be working together in a smooth fashion.

Our bodies are continually renewing tissue and cells to replace dead, dying or weak ones. This is a part of metabolism called anabolism. That term refers to the creation of new. Another part of metabolism is catabolism. This term refers to the breaking down of energy in order to provide the fuel that the body needs in order to function.

When you are exerting energy, such as when you exercise, your body requires more oxygen and of course, additional energy. Catabolism will automatically kick in and your body will start converting, or breaking down food (calories), into useable energy. Sometimes, depending on the situation, your body can actually begin breaking down fat to be used as this energy.

In essence, metabolism consists of two completely opposite functions. One is the building of or creation of cells and the other is the breaking down or conversion of calories to energy. This is the relationship between metabolism and weight management.

Your body uses calories in the way they are needed at the time they are consumed. At all times your body needs fuel just to keep going. Depending on your activity level, you may require more or less calories to function efficiently. Some people have higher metabolic rates than others. And some routinely exercise, which builds muscles, and the muscles work overtime in burning calories for them.

The point is that by developing muscles you will burn calories during the activity and your metabolism rate will increase because you have muscles that need nourishment. Aerobic exercise is great for this. Your body will expend more calories on the process of burning calories; breaking them down for the energy needed to exercise and creating cells for the muscles, it's definitely a great way to manage your metabolism rate.

By understanding the way metabolism works you can more easily find ways to manage and manipulate it. This control results in easier weight management. Losing weight can now become a matter of managing your metabolism rate along with eating right. This makes weight lose much easier and faster!

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