Science Diet: A "Personal" Approach to Dieting

The Science Diet or better known as "Metabolomics" is an emerging branch of biochemistry that is related to our metabolism, the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Metabolites are the end products of metabolism. By studying metabolites and how they change after you eat is helping scientists learn how to treat your individual case of obesity.

This may sound all nerdy and confusing, but research says this is a promising approach to dieting. Now, how does this "science" relate to weight loss? You may have heard people saying, "I just ate crackers all week, but I didn't lose a single pound! It must be my slow metabolism." This is where the Science Diet comes in. It works on the premise that since our genetic make-up is unique; a common diet cannot possibly work on everybody. For example, if your friend lost 15 pounds in two weeks using the Jenny Craig diet, this does not necessarily mean it will have the same effect on you. In a way, our metabolism is "Personal".

The way our body breaks down the food we eat is dependent on many factors like: Your body. Your height, weight, body fat and muscle content greatly affect how fast your metabolism works. People who have more muscle burns fat even at rest. Doesn't this fact make you want to hit the treadmill?

Your sex. Sorry ladies. Men are genetically programmed to have less body fat.

Your age. The aging process allows the degeneration of muscles and increase of body fat.

Physical activity. Any kind of physical activity even some as mundane as washing the dishes burns up additional calories.

Since metabolism is unique to every individual, this New Age type of diet considers all of these factors and comes up with a specific diet for an individual. This kind of tailor made diet allows a person's life to exist: his culture, lifestyle and habits with his food. For example, a tri-athlete would have a different diet than an obese adolescent.

According to a study done by American Society of Clinical Nutrition in 2005, there is great promise in the Science Diet, based on the fact that a person's response to drugs, food supplements, stress, physical activity, body composition, age, sex, colonic flora, and reproductive factors varies. The study also stressed that more research is required to produce standards and procedures for data collection and interpretation for the use of Metabolomics n human nutrition.

Meanwhile, while scientists are breaking down this diet in their laboratories, here are some useful tips in helping your metabolism burn more calories:

Use up more oxygen! Add at least 30 minutes of physical activity in your everyday routine.

Running, climbing up and down a few flights of stairs or even walking your dog can increase your metabolism rate and burn more calories.

Pick up those weights! When you look at the weights lying under your bed or at the gym they look, well.. heavy. Training with weights can help you counteract the effects of aging on your muscles.

There is no magic potion or pill to make you lose weight and keep it that way. Excessive weight is primarily caused by eating more calories than you burn. The Science Diet or its principle can help you manage your metabolism easier.

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