Isagenix provides the guidance and products for a systemized approach toward achieving a healthy and manageable lifestyle. It relies on adaptations of and refinements to time honored health routines. Those routines include fasting and consumption of herbal remedies.
The approach outlined in this well structured routine provides the body with a chance to recover from the onslaught of daily living. Today, the act of going about one's daily responsibilities can cause one to come in contact with pollutants and unhealthful food products. By the same token, it can encourage the development of a good deal of stress.
Use of Isagenix products facilitates the removal of toxins and impurities, the damaging chemicals that the body comes in contact with repeatedly. Yet this revitalization of time honored health routines adds something more to the traditional cleansing processes. It calls for an infusion of nutrients.
By adhering to the unwritten rules that are associated with traditional cleansing practices, a follower of this new routine can help his or her body to do what it was designed to do, in other words, carry out the natural removal of dangerous and unneeded substances. Supplementation of that removal with suggested nutrients ensures a strengthening of natural resources. Those strengthened resources can aid in the confrontation of potentially stressful conditions.
Those who choose to follow the Isagenix system must prepare to complete a three part process. That process takes place over a period of "
That regimen calls for an absence of any meal, and replacement of meals with healthful snacks. The limited number of nutrients in the snack food needs to be supplemented through consumption of essential daily nutrients. The "Cleanse for Life" liquid supplement serves as the source of those nutrients.
The Cleanse Days are to be followed by the Shake Days. During that time the follower of this prescribed routine replaces two meals with "Isalean" shakes, bars and soups. The third meal should be a sample of something enjoyed by someone on a low calorie
After completion of that series of special days, the follower of this body cleansing routine can return to the typical practice of eating three meals a day. However, each of those meals should represent a concentration of healthful foods, and they should enhance the associated infusion of nutrients. That infusion of nutrients comes from the use of daily supplements.
Together, the three parts to this cleansing routine insure attainment of a desirable and lasting weight.