I've had several people tell me recently, both personal training clients and members, about how making improvements in their basic supplementation has improved their
1) "I can feel a difference when I regularly take a multivitamin!"
People ask me all the time about supplements, fat loss pills, "new" supplements they've seen in magazines, etc. I will tell you the first thing I ask them related to supplementation: "Are you drinking enough water?" "Are you taking a daily multivitamin?" And, "are you drinking a great post-workout shake after your workouts?"
If you, or they, aren't doing those three basic things, I tell them to get that right before I'll advise them on any other supplements.
You will notice a difference in how quickly your body recovers from you workouts, how your daily energy levels increase, and certainly how quickly your fat loss increases, all from taking a good daily multivitamin.
When you workout and sweat (which you should always do when you workout), you lose a ton of vitamin & minerals that you have a hard time replacing just from food. In order for your body to function properly and at a high level, you need to replace those vitamins and minerals! If food is to your body like gas is to a car, then a good multivitamin is like the oil. You've got keep that maintained as well in order to keep your body running correctly!
Taking a good multivitamin is imperative to supporting your body, regardless of what your goal is, muscle gain,
2) "I didn't realize drinking a post-workout shake could help me lose weight, but it has!"
When you exercise, your body is breaking down muscle tissue, which needs to be repaired quickly.
Remember, we want muscle tissue, as that is what allows you to burn fat throughout the day. Waiting to eat and solid food meal after your workout simply takes too long to get the necessary carbohydrates and protein into your system to begin the repair process.
By drinking a good post-workout shake, with the correct carbohydrate to protein mix (ideally 2:1 simple carbs to protein) after your workout will make a huge difference in your muscle tissue repair efforts.
Subsequently, this will allow you to burn more fat throughout the day!
Drinking a good post-workout shake is one of the ESSENTIAL factors for continuing & maintaining healthy
You can also get your sugar fix, if you need one, after you workout, because this is the time when your body needs sugar to force protein into you muscles quickly to repair the broken down muscle tissue. So if you crave Gatorade, fruit, honey, even chocolate, that's the time to throw it in your blender to mix it up with some protein!