Weight loss programs is a money-making business. About two-thirds of adults in the United States alone are overweight, and almost one-third are obese, according to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). A person is considered overweight if his/her BMI is over 25, and obese if the BMI is above 30. Please search for my related article on 'How to calculate BMI'
Many weight loss programs have sprung up over the years, promising weight loss, with words such as 'quick','easy','effective' attached to it. But we know that this is not really the case.
If you are looking to join a weight loss membership site, here are some things that you can consider.
The monthly membership fee. Are the fees affordable? There is really no point paying hundreds of dollars every month just to join a membership site. It has to be affordable (in the range of a couple of dollars to below $30). Anything more is not really worth your money because we know that there are many other ways to seek information on how to lose weight.
Membership benefits. Each of us is different. Do they have features that can be customised to fit all individuals? Some membership sites follow popular weight loss programs (I am not going to mention any here, but think blood group and you get the picture). If such information can be found easily online, why bother paying these sites to get FREE information that is available everywhere?
Monitoring of your progress. Some sites allow you to input information so that you can keep track of your own progress. You should lookout for input details such as your weight over the past month, goals, the exercises that you did, the food that you ate, etc.
Healthy recipes. Since your weight is directly linked to your diet, there should be a good variety of recipes that will help you to slim down. In fact, this is a must-have for weight loss membership sites.
Recommended exercise programs. In order to slim down, you must exercise! Do they recommend any particular type of exercise that will help you to lose weight quickly? At best, workouts should be accompanied by videos and pictures. You should also find information on how much calories you will burn when you perform a particular exercise e.g. jogging.
Forums.This will allow you to communicate with fellow members. You can also share tips or even find a buddy in your vicinity. One good thing about these forums is that there is constant motivation. "Hey guys, I just lost 3 lbs over the weekend...." The whole forum will roar with activities with all the congratulatory messages coming in....
Locality. If you can find a weight loss site from your country, that would be great! Some sites organise gatherings and exercise programs for members to meet and socialise. If you are living in the States, there is no real need to join a site from, say, Hong Kong.