What You Can Find on the Dottie Weight Loss Zone

Dottie Coon is a Lifetime member of Weight Watcher's and because of her personal tremendous success with the program, she decided to set up a website to keep herself motivated and help other people going on the same journey. The Dottie  Weight   Loss  Zone was conceived as a helper to other people also on the  Weight  Watcher's Diet and her website has many support services like a point value chart for American chain restaurants (over 480 and counting!), chats, and forums for support.

Restaurant List

The Zone's restaurant list is staggering, with everything from fast food restaurants to cafes available. Each item on the menu has its nutritional value listed, which is a great help. If the values are not listed on the restaurant's webpage, Dottie herself calls up to get a list. Talk about service!

Calculating is a breeze!

At the end of each food listing, the points are shown in black and red bold print. It's definitely easy to calculate and saves a lot of time and hassle. Dottie  Weight   Loss  Zone has even gone to the trouble of making downloadable restaurant files, food lists, and menus for Palm OS or Pocket C so that they're available anywhere and anytime. You also have the option of submitting a recipe to the site to add to the amazing selection of recipes available online.

Support for everyone

There is even a message board for people to be able to hook up and chat, give support, or ask for help. Chat rooms are also part of the message board. It seems safe since everyone that participates is required to register. A free newsletter is also available for off-line support and motivation. Dottie seems to have thought of everything!

Their cookbooks

To encourage people to eat at home, this kind of  weight   loss  zone has 2 out-of-print cookbooks available on PDF for $15.00. The cookbooks are a compilation of reader's recipes and Dottie's favorites. All recipes are low-fat and perfect for use on a Weight Watcher's program. From finding a buddy, to interesting information, jokes, recipes in a wide range of cooking styles and ethnicity, menus with the points attached, and a complete how-to on converting recipes to points and serving sizes, Dottie  Weight   Loss  Zone is a treasure trove for those struggling to lose  weight  or keep it off.

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