Weight scales are used to measure the weight of persons and objects, of small and large magnitude of different sizes. There are a number of brands in the market, some well established, some new. A number of consumer surveys of the various brands have been done by agencies like Digital Scales.com and the various brands have been evaluated as the best scales in the market.
Ohaus is one of the best and oldest scale brands. Ohaus started with mechanical balances such as the famous Ohaus Triple Beam and began selling digital scales in the 1990's.The LS-200 was their first commercial success and was later replaced with CS-200.Ohaus was purchased by Mettler Toledo a few years ago. Ohaus continues to produce top quality scales such as their new "Pro Series."
Mettler Toledo is a huge brand for jewelry and legal-for-trade scales so much so that The Mettler Name is the brand name for legal-for-trade gold scales. Many Jewelers use the term Mettler balance to denote jewelry balance.
Tanita is an old and well-esteemed Japanese scale company. It has a reputation for durability. Many Tanita compact scales use the older Capacitance weighing system. This makes it durable, but also less accurate. But it is the best in Capacitance weighing.
My Weigh is the number one selling brand of precision compact scale in America. It has two factories in Asia producing the Touch scale and mass-production scales. This brand has rolled out numerous innovation s in the scale market like- the world's first Hydro Hinge scale, the first scale with LCD on top of the display, the first touch screen scale, the first animated scale, the world's smallest and lightest digital scales.
Detecto/Cardinal Company is the leading brand for a wide spectrum of scales. Cardinal is known for large-capacity scales (5000lbs and over) and associated information handling systems. Detecto is most noted for scales with capacities under 5000 lbs.
Sartorius is a popular brand in Europe for legal-for-trade and laboratory balances. Traditionally German, they purchased Acculab and entered the American market. It has seven group brands that operate globally.
Acculab had a huge market share but was bought out by rival Sartorius. The success of two of its best sellers the Pocket Pro150 and the GS200 plummeted. But the Acculab SV series is still the Best brand in the precision bench scale.
Rice Lake Weighing System (RLWS) is the leader in the industrial scale and process-control weighing industry. They are called the Rolls Royce of Industrial weighing. They design, manufacture and distribute equipment through the world's largest network of distributors.
CAS is a leader in commercial scales for specialized applications. DIGI WEIGH products are of high quality and cater to industrial retail and hospitality businesses in America. Pesola is the best brand for high quality Pen Scales. A&D Weighing has a reputation for commercial and scientific products. They were the first to incorporate digital calibration and multi-point linearity adjustment in an analytical balance.
There are many other small players in the market but these are the best available brands.