A child who suffers from ADHD is hyperactive and
Sadly, many parents with children suffering from ADHD are not aware that
Hence, the following is a checklist of dietary things to do and not to do when preparing
- Avoid processed foods which contain additives and preservatives.
- Cut out diary products from the child's
diet , so milk, cheese, yoghurt and the like must all be removed. - Cut down on fizzy and carbonated drinks, and drinks which are heavy in sugar.
- Fruit juices should be avoided as well, these are saturated in sugar.
- Avoid junk food which has all the nasty hallmarks of processed foods.
- Cut down on the child's sugar intake, and make sure to carefully monitor how much he does have. Why not try a healthy snack such as a banana or sunflower seeds as opposed to a candy bar?
- Use only fresh meat, and avoid processed meat as these will be full of additives and preservatives.
- Don't let him eat any fried products like potato chips etc.
- Make sure your child doesn't snack in between meals, otherwise he will spoil his appetite.
- Don't try and coerce or intimidate your child into eating more healthily, try and reason with them. If you take a heavy handed approach, the child will most likely rebel and become even more belligerent.
- Try and use organic products, organic foods strive to be free from chemicals and pesticides used in ordinary food and the high level of chemicals present in such foods are certainly not good for anyone!
- Make sure that your child drinks plenty of water.
- Make sure that your child eats plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
- Give him a wide selection of foods, this option to choose what to eat will encourage your child to widen his
diet and try new things. - Use
diet and nutrition supplements to give you're a child a boost, but always make sure to consult with your doctor before doing so. - Nourish your child with flax seed or primrose oil. High sources of Omega oils. Borage oils and some fish olds and are good as well. Very important. Mix about a spoonful a day into foods as you prepare them, or add to salad dressings, etc. Make sure that your child drinks plenty of water.
- Make sure to encourage your child for their commitment to giving up the foods they like most.