Detox Diet: 4 Reasons You Should Be Cleansing Now

Your body detox itself everyday by neutralizing and eliminating toxins through your organs. So why should you be on a Detox Diet?

Think about it.

We are now living in a polluted and "chemicalized" world. The truth is that we are actually destroying our planet. Let's not do the same with our bodies.

A Detox Diet against toxins found in our home. You might bring toxins into your home yourself. Many of the products you buy to improve the look and scent of your home can actually harm you and your family.

Household-cleaning products might, at least partially, cause ADHD and other learning and behavioral disorders. Fabric dryer sheets contain petroleum and artificial fragrances that may interfere with hormones. Air fresheners also contain these fragrances.

And that's not all!

Non-stick cookware, waterproof clothing, furniture, food wrappers and other packaging often contain PFOA or C8, a Teflon chemical manufactured by DuPont. It has just been reviewed and upgraded from "suggestive carcinogen" to "likely carcinogen". PFOA has been known to cause cancer in mammals. Studies have found that more than 95 percent Americans carry C8 in their blood.

The truth is that pollutants inside buildings outnumber those outside.

A Detox Diet against vaccination toxicity. Since the 1930's, thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative, has been added to vaccines. The explosion of the rate of autism could be linked to the increase of vaccine programs in the 90's.

Have you noticed that no one took the time to calculate the cumulative mercury dose in our children?

A Detox Diet against radiation toxicity. Between 1950 and 1991, the incidence of breast cancer in the US increased by 90% due to an increase in radiation exposure from multiple sources.

Frightening! Isn't it?

A Detox Diet against the toxins found in newborns. What a toxic legacy we leave to our kids! That is certainly the single most important reason for a Detox Diet.

One study looked for evidence of chemical contamination of the blood by analyzing 10 umbilical cords.

Well guess what?

The scientists found 287 industrial chemicals in the blood, an average of 200 different industrial chemicals per baby at birth. Of the 287 chemicals detected, 180 are known to cause cancer, 217 are known to be toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 are known to cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests.

Yes! You got it!

200 chemicals including mercury, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins, furans, pesticides, and chemicals from flame retardants, PCBs, industrial lubricants, plastics, Teflon, Scotchgard, industrial bleaches, electrical insulators, coal-fired power plants, vehicle emissions, and wood preservatives.

I'm sure you had enough.

In conclusion, our bodies that were once capable of clearing daily exposure to toxins are now completely overloaded. When the toxic load reaches this point, damage to the immune, neurological, and endocrine systems can occur.

While this all seems overwhelming, there are ways to approach the problem. A Detox Diet two to four times a year will make a huge difference not only for your health and the quality of your life, but also for the future of your children.

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