Paleo Diet Plan For Vibrant Health and Weight Loss

The Paleo Plan is your new regime, the new discipline to guide you along the road to a better lifestyle. Initially this may sound serious and inhibiting but in fact it is not, it is a whole lot of fun. A new way of eating, dieting, shopping and cooking. One could say that the caveman did not have a fitted out kitchen BUT he did have fire and his own way. Fortunately for you you are not expected to cook caveman style but only to follow his plan of eating.

The following is the basic diet plan for you to follow, wherever possible organic, free range or wild product should be used:

Allowed Foods:

  1. Protein from lean and fat off beef, lamb, pork, poultry (no skin), eggs, fish, shellfish and game meats;
  2. Fruit of all varieties especially lots of berries (very good anti-oxidants)
  3. Vegetables of all varieties. However there is some controversy over the root vegetables but we recommend you use your discretion here. It is believed that in the paleolithic era the caveman ate the leaves of what we call root vegetables and others believe the root veg was also included in their eating plan.
  4. Nuts and seeds as available.
  5. Fats and oils such as avocado oil, olive oil and nut oils and of course there will be a small portion of animal fat from the meats consumed. Here again there is some controversy as some believe ghee is acceptable and others argue that it is dairy and therefore is not allowed. However there is a little give and take in the plan but do not take advantage of it.

Totally Excluded Foods:

  1. All grain products ie breads, pastry, pasta, crackers any foods containing grains.
  2. All dairy ie milk, yoghurt, cheeses and butter any products containing dairy.

Contrary to your possible initial impression of woe of the Paleo Plan there is an amazing array of foods available to experiment with giving you the ability to create meals that are flavoursome, wholesome and healthy. This plan could just be your opportunity of showing your family and friends your artistic and creative imagination in surprising them with the serving of the most tasty, wholesome and healthy meals. Friends will be impressed, amazed and in awe. For sure they will be asking when the next dinner party is going to be!

This Plan does not restrict your menu in any way. There are endless possibilities in food combinations. There are recipes for breakfast, lunch, supper, dessert, snacks, celebratory meals and even barbecues. Absolutely no reason to feel deprived! The whole idea of the Paleo Plan is to embrace a lifestyle of eating the correct way for the human body to best ensure general well being, increased vitality and certain weight loss. Genetically we are still 99.9% the same as our caveman ancestors who were certainly of a robust disposition.

**Your Paleo Plan is the beginning of the rest of your healthy, slim and energetic new life!!!**

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