Can adopting an acne treatment diet lead to an acne-free life? Everyone in the medical community continues to insist that there is absolutely no relationship between your diet and acne outbreaks. That's what I was told by several doctors during my teenage years, and I always believed it to be true.
Then, when acne followed me from adolescence into my adult years, I was getting desperate to find something (anything!) that would help me to rid myself of this curse. Using the normal creams and cleansing treatments helped, of course, but the idea of spending my life attached to these remedies was more than I could bear.
The "old folks" say that if you keep doing what you've always done, then you'll keep getting what you've always got. With that in mind, I began to do my own research on acne formation. It just never made sense to me to think that the things that I put into my body had no effect on my body's reaction to those things.
It wasn't long before I began to realize just how much I didn't know about acne. Things that I had believed for all of my life were, at best, inaccurate, and, at worst, just downright untrue! If you'll bear with me for a bit, I'll give you the short version and you can then decide for yourself if an acne treatment diet may help you as it has helped me.
In her wisdom, Mother Nature designed your body to operate with a particular balance of chemicals, hormones, enzymes, and countless other things that all work together to make you unique. When this balance is upset by the presence of too many hormones or a high level of toxins, your body then does whatever it can to correct the imbalance. The difference between someone with acne (you!) and someone without acne, is the way your body goes about doing it.
Some people are blessed in that their body is able to rid itself of any overload through it's normal waste process. Others have bodies that emulsify the material in fat cells and then simply stores it. That's why you see very few overweight people with acne.
You have acne because your body is also emulsifying the excess, but in sebum oil rather than fat cells. It then secrets the oil out through your sebaceous glands, located in hair follicles. The larger the imbalance, the more oil that is discharged.
And, this is the root of every zit you've ever had! Excessive sebum oil will pool in your skin pores and hair follicles, creating a perfect breeding environment for the P-acne bacteria. As these bacteria reproduce in ever higher numbers, they discharge an enzyme that irritates your skin cells. Your body sees this irritation as an infection and sends white blood cells to fight it.
Over time, the amount of oil, bacteria, and white blood cells continues to increase in the pore until you wake up one morning and find a nice new zit right on the end of your nose.
So, how can an acne treatment diet help? Well, just where do you suppose all of these extra chemicals and hormones come from? The glass of milk that you had with breakfast this morning contained 57 different hormones that came from the cow, and even more hormones from the steroids that were given to the cow to stimulate milk production. Consuming virtually any dairy product is only going to add fuel to the already raging fire that's inside you!
And, that's just one example. Believe me when I tell you that there are many others. So many, in fact, that there's not enough room here to list them all.
The whole point here is, if you truly want to live an acne-free life, do a little research and find out which foods are only adding to your problems. Then, stop eating them! It may take a little willpower, but adopting a proper acne treatment diet will start you on the road to an acne-free life.