Weight Loss Drugs - Are They Effective?

Each year, increasing numbers of people around the world are becoming overweight; there are now large numbers of children just starting school that have a weight problem. The patient ones have to decide to face this problem by adjusting their diet and taking more exercise but the impatient ones usually decide on surgery. Of course if you are really in a hurry then you can always use weight loss medication to speed the process up.

The idea behind the drugs is to quicken each person's metabolism enabling the weight to be lost much quicker. These drugs were quickly removed from circulation when tests revealed that one of the more dangerous side effects was an increased risk of heart valve disease. Not to be defeated though, manufacturers have introduced updated drugs, prescribed by doctors but the FDA approval process is slow.

The use of drugs that help weight reduction has become so commonplace that it is almost certain that you know of someone who has tried them. To many it is a wonder drug and let's be honest, if you could lose weight that easily without having to sacrifice anything in the process, you would take them as well. Many millions of dollars are spent each year in The United States alone whilst the drug manufacturers spend huge sums on further research into weight loss drugs.

Even with all the testing and new techniques available for manufacturers, many side effects like nausea and diarrhea still exist with the new generation of weight control pills which, incidentally, can still be purchased over the counter. You must check the packet carefully before you decide to use them because some of the other side effects can be even more harmful, like the possibility of a heart attack or even a stroke, with hallucinations, tremors, breathing problems and convulsions all recorded as side effects for users of these drugs.

The best course of action before taking any type of pill is to consult your doctor; here are many factors that could contribute to any problems you experience and these do not necessarily stop when you cease taking the pills. For instance it is not uncommon for people taking weight control pills to experience other side effects like sleep problems, tiredness, mood swings, stomach problems and more.

Many clinical tests will show that the weight loss drugs taken to reduce weight really work but this can only be done in conjunction with a low calorie diet and an exercise plan. This means eating a good diet containing food from all the food groups that includes vitamins and minerals; fiber can be found in oats, rice, potatoes, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Exercising will need to be carried out if you want to benefit from the healthy food option but this probably needs to be worked out in advance with your physician. Of course a good exercise regime will combine exercises that increase the heart rate and exercises that use weights to tone the muscles. A regime of this kind would increase an individual's metabolic rate.

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