For some reason a lot of people have been asking me lately how to lose 12 pounds in 2 or 3 weeks. I don't know why the number 12 has become so popular, but I decided to forget about that and concentrate on the question itself.
First of all, is it even possible to lose 12 lbs in 2, 3 weeks? The answer is a resounding yes. In fact, it has been done numerous times in the past by all kinds of people of different ages and genetic makeup. Whether you yourself will succeed is something which I can't answer with any certainty, but if you take the right steps you do stand a good chance to lose 12 pounds in 2, 3 weeks.
I want to lay out 2 ways in which this can be done. You can choose whichever suits you the most:
1. Use a cleansing diet like the Master Cleanse. This diet can flush out of you a whole lot of weight in a very short time. In fact, the maximum duration you should use this diet is 10 days, just to give you an idea of how powerful it is in terms of fast
2. Another way to try losing 12 lbs in 2 or 3 weeks, is to use a Calorie Shifting diet, mainly the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. This diet is much easier than a detox diet, but it provides a slower rate of
Whichever diet you choose remember that after you lose the