Appendicitis Symptoms

The primary symptom of appendicitis is an acute abdominal pain. The pain is diffused and rarely localized, i.e. If an appendicitis patient is asked to locate the pain, they will move their hand in circular motion around their abdomen to show. The pain is not localized and moves from one point of the abdomen to another. There is another very common symptom of appendicitis, is the loss of appetite characterized by nausea and vomiting. It may also occur due to blockage in the intestine as well.

As the inflammation due to appendicitis increases, it stretches itself to the external covering then to the lining around the abdomen. The thin membrane or the lining is known as peritoneum. Once the membrane (peritoneum) matures, with time, and gets inflamed, then the pain can be located to a visibly small area of the abdomen. Normally this area is around the front portion of the hip bone and that of the belly button. The special term given to this is coined after Dr. Charles Mc Burney and is called Mc Burney's point. Just in case the appendix gets ruptured somehow, and the infection gets spread throughout, then again the pain becomes difficult to locate as the entire lining of the abdomen gets inflamed.

For correct diagnosis of appendicitis, the entire process begins with the complete history and physical examination of the patient. Based on the physical tests and the medical history of the patient appendicitis can be identified. Patients often have a high body temperature and they will experience moderate to severe tenderness when the doctors presses their abdomen. If the inflammation has already spread to the peritoneum, often there will be rebound tenderness associated with the non- localized pain. Rebound tenderness becomes a severe pain especially when the doctor presses around the tenderness gently, and quickly removes his hand from the portion of the tenderness.

For your quick view, the appendicitis symptoms are bulleted below.

  • You may have appendicitis if you are having pain in your belly and the pain normally hangs around the entire belly originating from the belly button.
  • Within a few hours, pain becomes severe and then moves from your belly button to the right side of your belly.
  • Loss of appetite characterized by nausea is a clear symptom of appendicitis, and quite you feel like throwing up a few times.
  • When you start experiencing severe constipation, back pain, minor elevation in temperature or a swollen abdomen, then know for sure that you need to see a doctor soon.
  • You feel tired every now and then do not possess the energy to work.

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