How To Control Bad Eating On Weekend?
A study by the National Institute of Health showed that dieters consistently stopped losing weight on the weekends due to an increase in calories from parties and social events.
While some diets allow a day off each week when you can eat what your heart desires. It is still important to watch your total caloric intake on the weekends and make sure you move more. If you plan on attending a party this weekend, for example, have a plan in place before you go.
Ways to Control Weekend Eating
1 Plan ahead.
2 Watch portion sizes.
3 Minimize the number of meals you eat at restaurants.
4 Beware of buffet style restaurants.
5 Concentrate on people and conversation over food.
6 Offset weekend eating with extra exercise.
7 Track your daily calories on the weekends.
8 Change your lifestyle to incorporate healthy food choices on the weekend.
9 If you must eat dessert, share with a few people and only take a couple of bites
Start by balancing the extra calories with extra exercise. A morning bike ride or a long hike might not cancel out a brownie sundae, but it can help you burn more fat than you would by doing nothing. The other thing is that you can't wait until the party to eat and walk in starving. Eat a sensible breakfast, a light lunch with protein to keep you feeling full longer and even have a healthy snack before you go.
Keep your
Choose your foods carefully. Load up on fruits, vegetables and lean meats whenever possible. Be careful with sauces, dressings and desserts as they can be heavy in calories and fat.
Train yourself to see parties as a way of socializing and having fun. A party does not have to be about the food. Furthermore, don't give yourself permission to overeat every weekend. An occasional splurge is fine, but if you find yourself eating more than usual every weekend you are risking weight gain.