A raw food diet and a vegan diet are two ways to eat healthier and feel better. But are the two diet options the same? There are some differences and some similarities to both the raw and vegan diets , yet both are great options for becoming a healthier person.
Technically, the raw food diet is one form of veganism. Both styles of eating avoid animal products entirely. Meat, eggs, cheese, and honey are common food that both a vegan and a raw foodist would not eat. However, there are some differences between the two lifestyles.
In a raw food diet , a person chooses to eat uncooked foods in their natural state. The typically means fruits, vegetables sprouts, and nuts. Some people may choose to include raw, or unprocessed, dairy products to their meals; however this is not typical and generally discouraged.
A raw diet is just as the name implies. Foods are eaten uncooked to preserve their maximum nutrition and live enzymes. A vegan diet , on the other hand, may be cooked or not. There are several foods, such as pastas, that a vegan may enjoy yet a raw foodist would not. They believe that cooking foods not only kills the healthier parts, it also makes it harder for the body to digest properly.
The differences between the two food choices is slight, yet important. While some may argue over which eating choice is really the healthiest to make, for most people both styles are great options to make when thinking about eating healthier.