Do you have trouble with losing weight no matter which
The most proven way to lose weight is ironically the most simple - Slight calorie reduction until you find a steady, sustainable level in which you lose weight. This doesn't need to be difficult or feel like starvation. Consistency is key. When cutting calories, all you need to do is look at easy to judge timing and reduction of simple carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates can immediately be reduced by cutting down on sugar. Sugars and other simple, starchy carbs switch your body into fat storage mode. In order to get around this, avoid eating carbs more and more as the day progresses. You can burn carbs throughout the day as you're active, but in the evening hours you should replace carbs with protein.
Protein is clearly important here as well. You need to replace some of the simple carb calories with something to avoid feeling too hungry. Fish, meat, nuts, and other protein sources will keep you full, and preserve lean body mass. As you lose weight on your calorie-deficient