Pure Water - Be Truly Healthy

Have you ever tried doing water therapy to cure a simple cold, instead of taking your over-the counter pill? Chances are, as many people have experienced, that you are healed with drinking just a few glasses of nothing more but - water.

In fact, ancient cultures have found a way of healing by fasting for days and only having water to drink. It is a fact that our bodies are 75% water, and we can survive a week without food, but, not without water. Even astronauts need pure water to survive in space.

Like the rushing sound of a river, drinking water cleanses us from the inside, making us feel better on the outside. Try drinking less water each day and you'll feel your body suddenly thrown into a whirlpool of chaos, making you sick. Your body, then, is thirsty for water's life nurturing benefits. Water is the very fuel that cleanses you of diseases-causing toxins.  Surely, at some point, you have known what a drop of rejuvenating water on your parched lips feels like.

Pure Water: Not Your Average Water

Water means life, health, and healing. There is no point arguing this fact. But, it is also a known fact that there are many chemicals and contaminants found in drinking water and by choosing to drink pure, means drinking the most natural water that our bodies truly deserve.  In our modern times, it is unfortunate that access to pure, drinking water is far from reach, unless you live in a place that's ecologically-intact.

Pure Water: The Key to Your Body's pH Level

Your body has a unique filtering system that balances the acid and base of your body's fluids through the amazing tag team of your kidneys, liver, and lungs. The more acid you have, the more prone you will be to various forms of diseases. Our modern lifestyle have made people more prone to acidosis and pure water is the key in bringing back the balance, for your body to work at its prime. The very food you eat is a major factor in your body's pH levels and for this reason, we see campaigns on getting balance through fruits and vegetables. Your body needs a pure water source to carry oxygen-rich blood to your cells, replenishing it with essential vitamins and minerals.

Pure Water: Your Secret to Ultimate Hydration

To get pure, contaminant-free water is a never-ending quest and there are incidents of contamination even with the Environmental Protection Agency's ( EPA ) water treatment standards. Imagine how rejuvenating a glass of water is... and how much more if you are drinking pure water. When your body is dehydrated, it means being stressed and it creates "stress chemicals " which are released to deal with the situation. In time, these toxins doesn't only make you constipated, but it can accumulate into a chronic disease like obesity, chronic pain or fatigue, cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, or even cancer - which can all be fatal in the end. Pure water rejuvenates your cells better than your regular cup of coffee or a can of your fizzy drink, minus the artificial sweeteners. Drinking pure water means giving your body a no-fuss diuretic that surpasses the simple answer to thirst. When your body is properly hydrated, your body is fully energized for the day, without you having to chug down a bottle of energy drink.

Pure Water: Your Clean,   Weight   Loss  Alternative

Spending hundreds and thousands on the next miracle pill and diet to lose weight can be a very frustrating experience. There are many fad miracle cures promising  weight   loss  when the answer is closer to nature. Pure drinking water may be the symbolic fountain of youth and health, which can be our wonder potion to lose weight - for good. In fact, water is a good, natural appetite suppressant, filling you up and cutting down your cravings for unhealthy food.  The less you eat, then, the less you weigh. Research have shown that a low water intake can mean high fat and salt deposits in your body, making you fat. Pure water can aid your liver in metabolizing your stored fats and turning it into energy needed by your body. Drink less and you'll force your body on a survival mode by retaining more water that can make you swell.  By drinking pure water, you cleanse the colon, forcing fats and other toxins to go out of the body like one would clean a dirty pipe with a water hose. Make sure to drink your water cold if you want to burn calories.

The number of glasses you take is dependent on your age, height, and weight. Normal recommendations suggest eight glasses of pure water daily. It is also important to know that we also get water from the foods we eat. It is never too late to drink up to health and the next time you hit the bar, go for a glass of pure water - on the rocks!

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