Most assume that losing weight and sticking to your
Weight loss is not about eating less but rather about eating smart. One should always be careful about what one eats. Also due to the modern lifestyle most people have an insufficient breakfast or don't bother with breakfast at all. This lead to people satisfying their hunger by taking sugar rich snacks filled with saturated fats. So as a result they have an all time low blood sugar levels and increase in body weight.
Snacking cause us more harm than good. The minimal benefits that snacking has on our body wears off quickly. Snacking means that we are increasing our daily intake of food. So we need to keep ourselves away from the evil of snacking. Eating a proper and balanced
If you can't control your hunger and desperately crave for a snack then fruits like a banana are a healthier alternate to sugar rich snacks. Also banana contains complex carbohydrates which will keep your digestive system busy for some time until the carbohydrates breaks down into energy. This energy provided by bananas will keep your body going for a large part of the day.also it would drive away your craving for a snacks.