Eat This, Not That is the latest diet book creation of David Zinczenko, Editor-in-Chief of Men's Health, and Matt Goulding, Food and Nutrition editor. The diet proposed here is not your typical diet; rather, it is a calorie counter's dream. It is a better response to people who are having difficulties in knowing the calorie contents of certain foods, or for those who turn a blind eye to calories even if they know.
Zinczenko and Goulding offer its supporters to lose weight if they choose healthy foods. Eat This, Not That comes in a friendly size so you can take it along when you go to the grocery store or restaurant. It is also packed with fat, sugar, calorie, sodium, and carbohydrates designed to help people make the better choices of foods.
Calories are the most important criteria mainly because they are the top cause of weight gain and the source of health problems. The Eat This, Not That diet book is prepared in a very friendly easy-to-understand style of conveying important thought and messages to its proponents. It provides lists of recommended foods on the left side of the page and on the opposite side, contains the forbidden foods.
The foods featured the most are typical American recipes and meals offered at fast-food and casual-dining restaurants, junk food, and supermarket staples. The authors also criticize several restaurant owners for failing to provide valuable nutrition information to consumers. As a consequence, many restaurant owners began to list their information on their websites. Experts claim that the Eat This, Not That diet does not make unscientific and misleading promises as this diet targets to lose belly fat, reshape the body, and build firm and lean muscles while shedding off useless pounds. Finally, authors agree with the experts that in order to build muscles or effectively lose weight, strength training is necessary.