Slim In 6 is one of the healthiest and safest exercise and fitness home video products on the market. The main reason behind the program's success is that it is designed for everyone; women, men, young adults and those with 10 pounds or more than 50 pounds to lose, have been able to get off excess pounds and keep them off with the program.
Let's face it, in the dieting world, weight loss products are a dime a dozen. There are thousands of products on the market, and many have a sketchy history.
Slim In 6 on the other hand focuses on proven weight loss techniques, delivered in a sleek and convenient form to keep exercisers interested, motivated, and sticking with the program. The program is sold by Beach Body, a leader in at home fitness videos. Debbie Siebers, a fitness trainer with years of experience, created and leads the series of workout videos.
Slim In 6 is designed to be simple, combining stretching, resistance training and fat burning aerobics; the program uses simple moves to help dieters boost their metabolism. Combined with a low fat
The program produces significant weight loss because exercises are done almost every day of the week. The consistency will help dieters rapidly burn fat and build muscle. The simple exercises are safe for most people to try with squats, lunges and other familiar moves included. However, its Debbie's easy-to-adapt pacing, instruction and inclusion of calendar and tape measure to chart your progress that will help those losing weight stick to the plan. Slim In 6 progresses from less-intense 25 minute programs in the beginning to intensive hour long workouts, as exerciser's progress this will prevent burnout.
Those using the program will find that the bonus free gift, the 6-Day Express
Slim In 6 is a great value for those who want to lose weight but don't want to wait months to see changes in their body. The program can be tested for a full 6 weeks and exercises can request a refund if they are unhappy with their results. But they have such a guarantee because they know for a fact that if you put this program to use, you WILL lose the weight and tone your body, which is what you wanted anyway, right?