Udo's Oil

There are many people trying to lose weight and get today and one of the first things many people do to achieve this is to cut the fats from their diet. It is important to note that weight loss does not always equal proper nutrition. Cutting too much fat from the diet can actually do harm to the body because there are some fats that are critical for proper body functioning. These fats are call EFAs or Essential Fatty Acids. They are necessary for the body because it cannot produce it on its own and must come from our diets. There are two types of fatty acids, linoleic acids (omega-6) and alpha-linoleic acids (omega-3). These fats are beneficial in the following areas:

• Forms healthy cell membranes

• Aids in proper running and development of the nervous system and brain

• Improves adrenal and thyroid activity

• Regulates hormone production

• Regulates proper liver function, blood pressure, and inflammatory and immune responses

• Regulates blood clotting

• Breakdown and transports cholesterol

• Improves health of hair and skin

• May decrease risk of Arrhythmias according to the American Heart Association

Omega-6 fatty acid can come in the form of seeds, grains, legumes, nuts, and dairy. Omega 3's can come in the form of pumpkin seeds, soybeans, flax seeds, dark green vegetables such as parsley, chard, collard greens, kale, and cereal grains such as barley grasses and wheat.

A product called Udo's Oil Blend is made up of Omega-3 and Omega- 6 fatty acids and is 100%plant sourced oils whose ingredients are a mixture of sunflower, flax, and sesame oils. The ratio of Omega-3's and Omega-6's oil in Udo's Oil is 2:1 as there have been scientific evidences that show health benefits of twice a much Omega 3's than that of Omega-6's

Those who primarily have benefited from using Udo's Oil Blend are high performance athletes. EFA help reduce improves stamina, energy, concentration, recovery and body fat. The recommendations for athletes are that for every 50 pounds of body weight they should consume one teaspoon. Two teaspoons is recommended for the average inactive person. There has been a lot of research on Undo's Oil benefits to endurance athletes. In an eight-week study involving 41 Danish athletes who consumed Undo's Oil blend the following resulted:

• There was a 63% improvement to general health

• Energy and Stamina increased 53%

• Body fat decreased 20%

Undo's Oil should not be used for cooking because it cannot be heated. It can be used in salads, smoothies, juices, sandwiches, soups, vegetables, potatoes, or any other food for an added amount of EFA's. It can be consumed alone but some have found it caused nausea when taken that way on an empty stomach. It also needs to be kept refrigerated for freshness. This oil can be purchased from specialty markets or health food stores. It can also be purchased online from Amazon.com for a price of $ 15.oo per 8.5 oz bottle.

Everyone should incorporate essential fatty acids into their diets especially pregnant women as studies indicate links to brain development in infants when taking it.

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