What Are GERD Symptoms?

GERD is short for Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, which is also called acid reflux syndrome. GERD symptoms will be different depending on if you're an adult or child. In this article, we'll talk about some of the more common symptoms that are experienced.

Among adults, the most common symptom is heartburn. This is where burning in the chest will occur and discomfort will be felt in the sternum. Oftentimes this discomfort will increase if the person lies down after experiencing heartburn.

In more extreme cases of GERD, the esophageal lining will become inflamed, which will cause swallowing difficulties and frequent chest pains. In most cases, trouble swallowing and the pain in the chest will occur simultaneously. However, in some instances only one of the symptoms will occur. It is certainly a frightening experience because it can also lead to a panic attack in thinking you can't breathe.

Other common acid reflux symptoms include coughing, changes in the voice, earaches, nausea, and hoarseness of the voice. At its worst, it will cause the lining of the esophagus to change into something similar to the intestines. This is good for reducing heartburn, but it is bad for your esophagus because it can lead to esophageal cancer.

GERD can also occur in children and even infants, but the symptoms are harder to detect. The symptoms may include vomiting, frequently spitting up, chronic coughing, and respiratory problems. Additionally, crying, not gaining weight, lack of desire to eat, bad breath, and chronic burping are also symptoms you should look for.

It is more common in infants than most people think. In fact one study showed that as many as 35% of all infants born in the United States will experience reflux within the first few months of their life. However, many of them will outgrow this before they reach their first birthday. It's always wise to know the symptoms and to watch for them, even in an infant.

It is also important to realize that the symptoms of acid reflux can occur intermittently. For example, they may show up intensely for weeks, only to go away for several months at a time. This does not mean that it doesn't need to be treated.

In conclusion, I have discussed with you some of the more common GERD symptoms, and how they vary from adults and children. If you think you have been experiencing acid reflux symptoms, you should get it properly diagnosed. Once diagnosed, treatment can start.

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