One of the biggest factors that effect our pet's overall behavior and good health is in what we feed them. Although, there are a great many dog foods available commercially from which to choose, making the right decision for your dogs food diet can sometimes be confusing if not impossible, however, let us tackle the situation nonetheless.
For a moment, let us look beyond the advertisements and the labels and see exactly what our dog food diet does contain. Below you will find a partial list that will enable you to know whether your pet is getting the correct amounts of what he needs for nourishment.
For instance, something could be wrong with your pet's diet if the animal suffers from constant shedding or is hyperactive or even inactive as well as if your pet has problems with gas such as burping or large smelly stool, perhaps it shows signs of skin or ear infections, even a weak immune system may be a tell tale sign. Occasionally these signs or a combination of them may show up, however a re-occurrence is often a cause of concern. Reviewing your animal's diet should be one of the first issues you should address.
To function properly your dog requires forty-five nutrients. Separated into several major groups the nutrients consist of water, protein, minerals as well as carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. To be properly digested, as well as absorbed by the body all of these nutrients have to be in their correct amounts.
Keep in mind that any canine, including your dog is a carnivore; this means their body mainly uses meat of its fuel source. In addition, it measures in that grains and vegetables do not have a major contribution to a dog's diet. Indicated on the packaging of dog food, the amounts of protein you will find. However, determining the total of protein is not as important as knowing from what source the protein comes.
Manufacturers of dog food use a wide choice in sources of protein, from which to use while making their brand of dog food for canine consumption. There are meat products such as chicken, lamb and beef as well as several other sources of meat products like grains such as soy, corn or wheat and other plant life. This is one reason why your dog will safely; eat grass by its own natural instincts.
The manufactured can label includes the ingredients list which determines the sources that are most used in the package of dog food you purchase. There you will find listed by law, the largest amount of ingredient in the mixture, listed first followed by the others as they decrease in amount. There should always be three sources of meat on the first five items listed. Anything less than three is lacking in the proper amount of protein for a healthy dogs diet.
Every dog primarily for energy, however, needs carbohydrates to be healthy, canines do not require a great deal of carbohydrates, as do their masters. The ideal diet for your pet is a diet, which is high in protein as well as low in carbohydrates.
Diets, which are high in carbohydrates, take longer to digest, they also result in large unpleasant gas and stool, since dogs are canines and canines are meat eaters. In addition, their gums may become overly sore and achy from the excessive chewing while their breath develops a smell most reproachful. Therefore, it is in your pet's best interest, as well as your own to feed them only a diet containing carbohydrate sources such as grains in small amounts.
There are two different types of fat. Animal fat, which is, call saturated and vegetable fat, which is called polyunsaturated. To maintain an optimum good health your pet will need a supply of both as a whole of the essential fatty acids or EFA.
If your animal gets not enough fat in its diet it will cause low levels of energy, skin problems and heart problems. On the other hand, too much fat will result in obesity. Cancers and tumors can also develop. While reading the label, search for a product that offers an equal measure of balance between vegetable and animal fat.
There are also two different types of vitamins. They are fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. Vitamins are a necessary part of a diet as they are required for the release nutrients for the body's use of food. You pet needs both types of vitamins.
Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble. They are stored in the body's fatty tissues and in the liver. Vitamins B and C are water-soluble. Since vitamins are expelled from the body by urine every four to eight hours, too many vitamins will do no harm, and it is for this reason they are required in every meal.
You must essentially keep in mind that vitamins are lost easily in the manufacturing of dog food. As soon as the package is open and the vitamins are exposed to air and light they begin to break down. The vitamins B and C are especially sensitive, and are broken down easily.
Vitamin C is required to build a strong immune system for fighting disease as well as for healthy gums and teeth. Although dogs are capable of producing their own vitamin C, it is not enough for their best health and is therefore required in their diet. Vitamin B is required for breaking down carbohydrates and protein as well as for fueling energy.
Minerals are an essential element in a dog's diet, however in most formulated dog food products they make up less than two percent. It is highly recommended that you add mineral supplements to your dog's food, since more than half of the minerals necessary are lost in the process of manufacturing.
A clean, fresh source of water supply is necessary to maintain the proper body functioning for your pet as well as aiding the body while breaking down foods such as meat, which is hard to digest. Your dog needs water.
Regardless of whether you buy your dog food, or make your own, it is essential to include all the proper nutrients and in the right amounts while feeding your pet. It is the effort you put forth that leads your pet to a happy and healthy life while being your companion. Little things mean a lot.