Crash Diet Fast Weight Loss

What is a Crash Diet?

A crash diet is a diet which is extremely severe,usually severely restricting calories intake,it is designed for very fast  weight   loss .It is one of the most restrictive types of  weight   loss  diets that you can follow. It involves drastically cutting back calories and fat intake on a daily basis.

Similar to a starvation diet, a crash diet is often followed together with other  weight   loss  options including extreme exercise routines or the use of diuretic or diet pills.

Thousands of men and women follow crash diets every year wishing that they will lose weight in a very short period of time.
Anyway, crash diets are recognized by health care professionals and dieticians as being a very dangerous way of trying to lose weight.

Designed to achieve very fast  weight   loss , a crash diet differs from starvation only slightly.
Crash diets are typically unhealthy and are rarely,if ever,recommended by doctors or dietitians.
Crash diets can lead to malnutrition and body damage if kept for a long time.

The weight you carry is determined by the balance you achieve between the number of calories you take in and the number of calories you burn every day.

Eat more calories than you consume and you gain weight. This is a positive caloric balance.

Eating less calories than you consume to lose weight is a negative caloric balance.

On a crash diet, you are likely to go into a huge negative caloric balance for a very fast  weight   loss .
This negative caloric balance usually can be too big, causing major damages in your body.

As a result of crash diets,you achieve a very fast  weight   loss ,but not a healthy one.Many pounds are lost, but much of them is not fat.
Instead, the body damage alarms your body and it starts conserving energy and fat.Your body will lose more muscle mass and stored sugar and water, which accounts for the easy loss of many pounds early on.

A crash diet causes you to get smaller and lose muscle mass quickly, reducing your metabolism,and this is not good.Your low caloric intake puts a damper on metabolism, lowering it further.As you can guess,that's not good,because you know that in order to accelerate  weight   loss  you must accelerate the metabolism too.

Combining these factors will soon get you to the point where your caloric intake and expenditure are not that much different, causing the plateau effect.

Sensible  weight-loss  plans can also lead to plateaus, because sometimes you will get smaller and your metabolism will decrease accordingly. But the approach is much sensible and the effect is less dramatic.

With sensible  weight   loss , you lose body fat. Although you also may lose some muscle mass, you won't lose much, which helps you maintain a higher metabolism.
This means that it takes much longer to reach a plateau. Plus, when you reach it, all you need to do is tweak your approach by adding a little more daily exercise and cutting your caloric intake slightly.

The two combined will increase the gap between intake and expenditure of calories,neutralising the plateau effect and starting  weight   loss  again.

In contrast, on a typical crash diet, you are not exercising and you already have decreased your caloric intake to minimum.
To get your  weight   loss  moving again, you have to just about starve yourself, which would cause a loss of muscle mass, a further decrease in metabolism and a new plateau quickly.

The conclusion: Lose weight slowly and healthy to ensure that you are losing body fat and not muscle. When you do, plateaus are less likely and can be removed easily.

An example crash diet consists in a daily intake of 4 glasses of low-fat milk, 4 bananas, and 1 vitamin capsule.A boiled egg may be substituted with a banana.Eating only this every day will surely lead you to a fast  loss  of  weight ,but not a healthy one.

Avoiding crash diets for fast  weight   loss  by losing  weight  in the healthy way

If you are willing to lose some weight, it is best to avoid crash diets at all costs. Instead,try to follow a healthy fast  weight   loss  method by following these tips:

Speak with your doctor before beginning any  weight   loss  plan.
He can provide you with tips on how to lose weight much safely.

Don't cut back on calories too quickly. Instead, slowly reduce calories so that your body's metabolism doesn't slow down,to have an effective  loss  of  weight .

Focus on limiting portion sizes and choosing healthier foods.Also start regular exercise and you will find that your weight is decreasing.

Look at your  weight   loss  plan not as a diet,as a healthy new lifestyle.
This will encourage you to continue to with healthy eating habits on long-term.