Natural Fat Loss - Easy Start Tips

Obesity has become a major epidemic problem that has gripped all of the age groups. Men, women
and children. Natural fat loss is the best place to start for the obese person and with minimal exercise
will gently get the person on the right course to a better life.

Just about everybody in all walks of life are looking for the easy way out of the obesity trap.

It certainly is not easy with all of the mis-information that can be found regarding the subject of
obesity. No fat, low fat, high protein, low carb, glycemic index, exercise are just az few terms that we
are all told is the cure for obesity.One definition of Obesity is a state of the body where the weight of
the body is higher, by 10% than the bodies ideal weight or body mass index. When weight of the body
is higher by 20%, this is considered severe obesity. This range leads to many different diseases and
will likely shorten the life-span of a person diseases include but not limited to, high blood pressure,
osteoarthritis and diabetes. Obesity has many limiting factors and decreases the quality of a persons

When the bodies Caloric intake exceeds caloric expenditure, the body stores the excess. So in order to
shed extra fat we must reverse this proportion. A natural fat loss plan should be followed, that it might
continued for a long duration. Using strict and restricted diet programs with dangerous diet pills and
supplements becomes hard to follow and fat loss will be for short term only not to mention the health
risks that are involved.

Follow a proper and sensible diet program makes the most sense. Begin with a low carbohydrate
medium-fat and high protein diet for best results.

The list below shows the recommended food items which are to be avoided and those which can be
consumed by the vegetarians and the non-vegetarians.

Eat as much of these as you like.

1. Vegetables and green salads (specifically one that contain tomatoes and cucumbers)
2. All fresh fruits (no bananas)

The limited quantity food items.

1. Milk (250 ml or half a bottle or one and a half cupful). Daily amount and use in tea and coffee.
2. Butter, ghee (Ghee is used in India), oil and cream - 2 to 3 small tea-spoonfuls. Stick to very
conservative amounts do not over do it
3. Three to four chapattis (no ghee at all here) each day or 1 to 2 oz (small bowl)
4. One small bowl of dal or Green gram (moong) soup for the day.
5. Two small potatoes per day.
6. Fish
7. Meat
8. Eggs

Eat only from the list of foods above without over doing it.

These food items and ingredients are restricted completely, do not eat them at all

1. Sugar, chocolate, peppermint, all sweets, all jams, honey, you get the point.
2. Fruit-juices (very high in sugars)
3. Alcohol (not even wine)
4. Biscuits, cakes, generally all grain products
5. Ice cream (not even all natural ice cream)
6. No soda pop of any kind
7. All other grains not mentioned

If you simply make the decision to follow a natural fat loss program and then plan for it in advance it
makes it that much easier to implement.