The 6 Rules To A Healthy Lifestyle: Diet 101

6 Rules To Beginning A Successful Diet

1. The Addition Rule

Rather than making a lifetime commitment to good eating overnight and taking away bad food (that you really might like), start by adding good food and you'll make a positive difference. The Addition Rule states that instead of eliminating the bad, you will add the good. So if you drink diet soda and eat a candy bar for breakfast every morning, you should not stop that behavior and start eating nothing but fruit. More than likely, you will only quit the diet.

What the Addition Rule has you do is add an apple to your cola or candy bar breakfast. With the Addition Rule, you do not take away; you add. As we stated, most people are overfed but undernourished. By adding healthy foods, you become not only fed, but also nourished.

When you are told to "eliminate" something, it gives you an instant attachment to it and you only want it more. Noticeably, there is no "rule of elimination anywhere in the Un-Diet.

Over time, you will react so positively to these additions that you will begin to crave the healthier items as opposed to only the unhealthy ones. Gradually, those nutritional items that were once merely additions could become the entire focus of the meal.

2. The Replacement Rule

The world is full of tempting treats that create a large amount of craving and satisfaction but offer little nutrition. Traditional favorites such as pizza, ice cream, cookies, sodas, sugared cereal, fast food, and other unhealthy junk food choices are addictions and create a real dilemma when trying to make proper decisions. To help avoid caving in to these cravings and addictions, the Un-Diet suggests an effective nutritional theory known as the Replacement Rule. Many of the junk foods listed above, in their original form, contain harmful ingredients that break the laws of life. However, today's modern health food and grocery stores offer a variety of substitutes you can buy or make that are similar in form, satisfaction, and taste to these foods.

Using the Replacement Rule, you will soon find yourself more and more satisfied with the healthier substitutes to your cravings. Eventually, you may even be able to eliminate these cravings altogether. To help you, here is a handy list of common food cravings and their replacement foods:

  • Pizza - (Replacement) Store bought or homemade whole grain pizza with all natural sauce and low-fat, unrefined cheese.
  • Ice cream - (Replacement) low-fat frozen yogurt
  • Sugary, refined cereal - (Replacement) One of the many health food, whole grain cereals with rice, almond, or coconut milk
  • Coffee - (Replacement) Herbal tea, heated chocolate or vanilla almond milk
  • Sugar - (Replacement) Honey, fresh fruit juice, unrefined maple syrup, molasses, brown rice syrup, Stevia, or Xylitol.
  • Rich deserts - (Replacement) Whole grain, nondairy, chemical free, low-fat, honey or fruit sweetened treats.
  • Fast-food burger - (Replacement) Lean, homemade all-beef burger, lean turkey burger, or veggie burger
  • Store bought cheese - (Replacement) Organic or raw cheese

3. The Vacation Food Rule (You Don't Cave if you Crave)

If eating well creates too much stress, it negates many of the positive benefits. The Vacation Food Rule was created as a way of making the process of change much less stressful and much more fun.

Many people are either on a diet or off a diet. The Un-Diet, however, is not a diet at all. It is a way of eating that you can utilize for the rest of your life. No matter how satisfying your work, you need an occasional break. The Vacation Food Rule puts a food, a meal, or even a whole day of the less-than-ideal food choices into your week. The idea that "if you crave, you cave" is a myth. Rather than calling it "cheating" when you give into the craving, occasionally eating poorly is actually part of the Un-Diet plan.

While occasionally you will take a spontaneous vacation, the best vacations are planned. Therefore, suppose you are an ice cream lover. Well, if you eat ice cream everyday, you are going to get fat. However, if you utilize the Vacation Food Rule, you set a short-term goal for when you will eat the ice cream. You may say, " I will eat only on Wednesday and Sundays."

Some cravings are so great they are difficult to handle. By setting a short-term goal, you usually can push yourself over the hump and make it another day or two. Another positive side effect of this rule is that often when you isolate only certain days to eat some of your cravings, you will find that you have a food sensitivity to these vacation foods that you never knew about before when they were mixed with other meals.

4. The Food Dress-Up Rule

Initially, many of the healthier food choices may not seem very appealing. Natural Foods tend to appear less tasty and fulfilling because of all the additives, sugars, salts, and fats that give less healthy, man-made foods their flavor. The reality is that natural foods do posses good taste, but our taste buds have been dulled due to all the flavorings and spices in man made food.

To make healthy food more palatable to your abused and desensitized taste buds, use The Food Dress Up Rule. For instance, oatmeal is a healthy breakfast choice generally free of all the toxic foodstuffs that dilute and deliberate many other breakfast foods, such as cereals and donuts. The challenge is that oatmeal by itself does not contain much flavor, and preparing it with Man-Food like sugar will negate some of the positive benefits. Yet simply eating oatmeal and hot water every morning can become a real chore for most people. Even the most avid of oatmeal fans would become tired of just straight oatmeal and honey after a while. To make this nutritional breakfast more appealing, simply add healthy items like berries, almonds, cinnamon, raw butter, and/or low-fat granola will dress up the oats and make them more attractive.

5. The Stay Full Rule

Food choice are triggered by something called "hunger" When hunger signals reach a high enough, level, it will be almost impossible to make good choices. That is why The Stay Full Rule states that the way to achieve proper nutrition is not to get too hungry.

Consuming, healthy meals at the appropriate times of the day achieves a proper balance of staying nourished while also staying satisfied. On the other hand, skipping meals and going hungry lead to a practice of becoming "starved" and create the need for eating anything within the reach to satisfy the inevitable hunger pangs.

What is most satisfying, and often most available, are those heavily refined, fast, or fried foods that are full of fat. To avoid consuming such "junk" food, always stay full throughout the day with good food.

6. The Multiple Feedings Rule

To achieve The Stay Full Rule, it helps to also follow The multiple Feedings Rule. This last theory of proper nutrition states that smaller, lighter, healthier meals should be eaten throughout the day to avoid the intense hunger associated with weight loss.

Most folks eat two or three relatively large meals a day. However, the body is better equipped to process small amounts of food every few hours. Large amounts of food cannot be handled well by the body and can cause loss of energy, digestive dysfunction, and fat storage. Going long periods of time between meals also slows down the metabolism, making you even less likely to burn well, and speed up the metabolism. To achieve ultimate results, eat four to six times a day.

Tips: A natural body detox is always good in the mix of nutrition especially with all of the chemicals and additives in today's food.