How To Lose 1 Stone in 3 Weeks

Want to lose 1 stone in 3 weeks? OK then... I'll give you some "shortcut" ways to cheat ordinary weight loss and make it happen fast and easy.

Lose 1 Stone in 3 Weeks

1. Breakfast is most likely the key to weight loss for you

For most people, breakfast is the key meal that'll start your day right or wrong... if you even eat breakfast. A recent study showed that 80% of fat people don't eat breakfast and that 80% of skinny people do eat breakfast.

So start eating breakfast. On top of that, eat a breakfast that is high in protein and fiber so that you don't play calorie catch-up the rest of the day with convenience foods high in calories and simple carbohydrates.

Best choice for breakfast is 3-4 scrambled eggs with 1/2 can of black beans. This combination provides a lot of protein and fiber.

2. Snack keys to success

For snacks, you'll want to eat foods that are high in water content, high volume, and filling... generally speaking. Apples, red grapes, and grapefruits are the best of the bunch. Each apple has 5 grams of fiber as an added bonus.

3. Spin around like a 4-year old child

I go into great detail about this in my free report on how this is great for weight loss, but the gist of it is to spin around to get slightly dizzy. This energizes the body and balances out your hormones. (Note: Most people who are overweight have unbalanced hormonal levels.)

4. Take a cold shower

Actually, you don't even need to take a cold shower. Instead, take your normal shower then rinse your body with really cold water for 15 seconds after your shower. This forces the body to internally heat up (thermogenesis) which creates a hostile, warmer environment for fat cells and fat deposits.

A lot of them either loosen up and get excreted or disintegrate from the higher internal body temperature.

If you follow these 4 simple tips for 3 weeks, you'll be on your way to losing 1 stone without much effort at all.