How To Lose 27 Pounds In 30 Days - Weight Loss Made Easy With These 5 Fast Fat Melting Tips (Proven)

Are you looking for ways on how to lose 27 pounds in 30 days? This article will show you how. 5 proven tips you can start to apply now to burn fat and inches like crazy!

How To Lose 27 Pounds In 30 Days

1) Eat small meals throughout the day. If you are eating 3 times a day start to eat 5. If you are eating 5 times a day then change to 6 - 7 times per day. Why? The more you eat the faster your metabolism and fat burning power. You don't have to eat more food just spread it out more over the course of the day in smaller amounts.

2) Eat protein with every meal or snack. Protein boosts your metabolism to burn fat faster because it is hard for your body to break it down. It also keeps you fuller for longer.

3) Vary your calorie intake to stop your metabolism slowing down. One day every week up your calorie intake by 25 - 50% to keep your metabolism in the inch and fat burning zone.

4) Exercise for 6 days every week. Make exercise your priority and the pounds will melt away. Include some interval training bursts as part of your cardio sessions. Research shows that when done properly they can burn fat up to 9 times faster than regular "steady state" cardio.

5) Develop a positive "I can do it" attitude. Use positive affirmations several times per day to keep you mentally strong. Also put up a vision board in your house where you can see it every day. Post pictures and quotes of your short, medium and long term goals on the board.

This is how to lose 27 pounds in 30 days. Be consistent and disciplined and you'll achieve your goal.

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