Naming the Unnamable - Sugar Addiction

The time has come to name the unnameable. To start talking about the 'elephant in the room' - the addiction that people are reluctant to talk about - SUGAR ADDICTION!

Do You Crave Sweet Foods?

In this world where the growth of obesity is out of control, it is time to start telling it as it is. Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine! So why are we avoiding addressing this issue? Is it because we feel ashamed to admit that we are addicts? Is the stigma of that word so feared that we would rather watch ourselves and the obesity epidemic grow still further?

Or is the truth of the matter, that deep down, you believe you could NEVER give up sugar completely? It is your joy, your comfort, your 'guilty pleasure'. So, let me ask you, would you say this if your addiction was alcohol or drugs?

I am a sugar addict and I can't tell you how liberating it feels to finally acknowledge and own this fact. For most of my life, I believed that I was weak-willed. I thought I was a failure and hopeless, where my weight and body image were concerned. I was consumed by guilt and shame. It was all my fault. At least those were the messages that surrounded me.

The stupid thing is, I had know that diets do not work for me and for 98% of people. What no one was telling me was that there is no amount of motivation or will power that can overcome the biochemical reactions, in the body, associated with addiction.

Diets & Sugar Addiction

You either have an addictive personality or you do not. There is nothing you can do to change this fact. Diets will NEVER work if you have a sugar addiction. It's like telling an alcoholic or drug addict that they can achieve happiness if they just cut down their consumption.

As with any addiction, it requires acknowledging you have an addiction, then learning how to manage it on a day by day basis. Learning to love yourself and your body is the next step, along with getting the support you need.

As we talk more about sugar addiction we help to educate others that this is a really serious issue that has to be fully addressed. If we are to succeed in reducing the ever growing obesity epidemic we have to face reality and provide alternatives to the insanity of dieting - a way of managing sugar addiction!