Tummy Tuck Without the Surgery

Many men and women yearn for the flat bikini-ready stomach and rippling rock-hard abs that we see on a daily basis in magazines and movies. But the harsh reality is that most of us aren't genetically programmed to get by without a little bit of body fat around our midsection. We are designed that way and often our most dedicated attempts to fight nature are met with stubborn resistance. So what do you do with those final few pounds around your belly?

Tummy tuck is an invasive cosmetic procedure that eliminates excess fat and skin tissue around the stomach area in order to provide a sleek and slim silhouette. Many men and women with only a few pounds to lose, opt for this procedure in order to cap off all of the hard work in the gym that makes the rest of their body look so good.

Some people opt for a tummy tuck because they have recently lost a dramatic amount of weight and have a lot of excess skin to get rid of. Still others choose this procedure because they want the easy way to a great body and have more money than they know what to do with.

There are some people who would like the results of tummy tuck surgery, but don't have the time or resources to spend on the procedure. This surgery is invasive and can cost a lot of money. It will require financing for some people and others need significant time away from work in order to heal and recover. All of these drawbacks can be avoided by opting for a non-surgical choice.

Some of the non-surgical alternatives to tummy tuck surgery include mesotherapy, body thermage, weight loss pills, shapewear, lipodissolve, and plain old hard work in the gym. Some of these options may be right for you or none of them may fit your goals and needs.

Mesotherapy is a series of injections designed to eliminate fat and wrinkles. Body thermage heats layers of the skin in order to stimulate production of collagen and help tighten and tone body contour. Lipodissolve is a relatively new phenomenon that involves injecting fat dissolution materials into certain areas of the body. Weight loss pills, shapewear and good old fashioned hard work are the tried and true forms of tummy tucks.

Talk to a plastic surgeon in your area today to find out if tummy tuck surgery is right for you. He or she will be able to outline the pros and cons with you and determine your goals and needs. Many men and women are thrilled with their new midsections and are proud to sport the skimpiest bathing suits on the beach. Don't be left behind. Choose your ideal method of flatting your stomach and pursue it. Whether or not it involves invasive surgery will be a personal choice that only you can make.