Get Moving and Eating Better Now! Weight Loss Starts in Your Mind

Are you stuck to the couch? The below article contains 3 tips that will change your life!  The secret to it, is to do it.

Have you ever done this? You're watching the Olympics, wishing you had a quarter of the athlete's discipline? While you are munching on chips, soda, pizza, nuts and chocolate! Maybe you have no real desire to make the same sacrifices they have made, but you know deep inside that would be happier and healthier to get up and do anything at all. If only getting started weren't such a cloud over your head.  

How do you overcome the obstacles standing in the way of exercise and eating better? The thousands of  weight   loss  clients and athletes I have worked with, from the "super fits" to the "wish I were fits", have proven to me that the ability to succeed is indeed deep in the mind.  Here are some simple facts and tips that will help you get up, get moving and eating better.   

#1. Don't stand on the scale every day or look disparagingly into the mirror.  It only fixes your current weight and image deep into the control center of your mind. It then mistakenly thinks that  it's supposed to keep you right where you are at.  Instead, close your eyes several times a day and image, or feel yourself at the weight that you desire to be. Image yourself looking into the mirror, at the slimmer, more healthy, you. Next, bring in the good feelings you will have when you've succeeded. This little exercise will get big results by showing your subconscious mind exactly where you want to go. It will then help you to act out the behaviors of a naturally thin person.   

#2. Don't be your ordinary self!  Remember, something is better than nothing.   60 seconds of exercise here and there adds up.  Anything and I do mean ANYTHING that you do out of the ordinary will make a difference.  I have seen former couch potatoes accelerate their  weight   loss  by doing 2 to 3 minutes of exercise in 5 intervals that are spread through out the day.  That's ten to 15 minutes a day of low impact, great results.  It doesn't have to be 30 consecutive minutes or a full hour. The key to starting is to simply get your body moving; no matter what it is. Your body will decide what is enough. If you stop getting results then it's time to change the exercises or add additional minutes. From there, the sky is the limit!   

#3. Before you get out of bed in the morning, close your eyes again and image yourself moving through your day in greater activity. Be realistic and specific about what times and what kind of movement you will do and how you will eat differently. You have to first think about it in order to create a pathway for your body to follow. Your imagination is the first doorway into change, so use it! Dream about the change as if you've already accomplished it.  See or feel yourself biting into an apple instead of the potato chip or chocolate! Do it again and again. The control center of your mind will pick up on it and begin to promote the desire for an apple!   It really works!