A Quick Weight Loss Diet That Will Keep You Motivated!

At some time in their lives almost every normal person will decide that they would like to try to lose some weight. It might be because of a special occasion coming up, to get back into a shirt or a dress that doesn't quite fit like it used to, or even just to improve overall health.

In the long run, no fad diets, gimmicks or diet pills really work out, although there are a lot of con artists who would try to tell you otherwise! For truly effective weight loss there are 2 proven strategies that work - Diet and Exercise. In general terms, you control your weight by burning more calories through exercise than you take in by eating. Successful diets are designed around this simple principle. Unfortunately a lot of people just don't know about the energy and nutritional value in food, so we will look at a few simple guidelines for healthy eating. For more detailed diet planners and calorie charts there is plenty of information on the internet.

General tips for reducing calories in your diet

  • Minimize fatty foods. Fat has 9 calories per gram, and this can quickly add up if you don't keep track of it.
  • Minimize simple carbohydrates. Foods high in simple carbs include sugar, white bread, cakes and pastries, and starchy vegetables like potatoes. These foods are high in energy and are also broken down quickly, so you may get a sudden spike in blood sugar levels.
  • Replace sweets with fruit or vegetables, and soda with a diet version of the same drink.
  • Try to include lots of protein in your diet - eg lean meat, fish, beans, eggs. Among other benefits these will make you feel fuller so you aren't so tempted to snack
Diets don't work unless you can make the change to your lifestyle permanent. Try to slowly include some of these suggestions, and you might just start to see the changes you are looking for!