The title of the 3 Hour Diet might make it sound a bit more miraculous than it really is. Designed by the renowned fitness trainer Jeorge Cruise, the 3 Hour Diet focuses on speeding up the metabolism by eating every 3 hours. Sorry for those of you who thought you might be able to get the perfect body in 3 hours, it just isn't so. However, eating every 3 hours has become a very popular approach to dieting as of recently.
The 3 Hour Diet is less restrictive than many other diets , which makes it appealing to the average consumer looking to lose weight. Those tired of starvation type diets will love being able to eat every 3 hours. Eating every 3 hours averages out to about 5 meals a day, more than enough for most people.
So what's the different between eating 3 meals a day and eating 5 meals a day? It is believed that when only eating 3 meals a day, the body is trained to horde calories back until the next meal. Eating 5 meals a day is supposed to trick your body into thinking that it needs to be in a constant state of calorie burning, thus speeding up your metabolism.
On the of the greatest appeals of the 3 Hour Diet is that it doesn't restrict fast food or processed foods. These types of foods are usually shunned by most diets . Allowing such foods into the diet gives a more realistic approach to dealing with the temptations and lifestyles of the typical dieter. Some people don't have time to cook, so it's easier to pop in a low fat television dinner than prepare a whole meal from scratch. While other times, you'll be going to a fast food restaurant with a group of co-workers and don't want to be the odd man or woman out.
The 3 Hour Diet is a great starter diet for anyone just starting a weight loss program. However, it might be hard to sustain considering that the program does not support plateauing, something common to most dieters. Regardless, this is still a great diet that has worked wonders for a lot of people.